
Solo Queue Tier List updated

by Elementz on Wednesday, June 8th 2011 - 00:20 / 9689 Views /
Solo Queue Tier List

So due to people misunderstanding my list and taking it the wrong way etc.. Also due to some popular demand and a self-realization that I should have probably done this a long time ago. Here comes my Solo Queue Tier List!

This list will compile all the champions into tiers that I will explain later in the post. This is about how great of a champion they can be in solo queue and how well they can be played overall. This list isn’t about “picks” or drafting. It’s about how good a champion is in Solo Queue. I emphasize Solo Queue because Draft Mode 5v5 is a lot different and they should have two separate lists. This list will be mostly revolving around how good a champion is at Soloing, Jungling, Early game,Mid game, and team fighting ability. It will have almost nothing to do with Late Game which 90% of competitive games go to. Majority of solo queue games end between 20 and 30 minutes. So this is what this list will be focusing on.

SOLO QUEUE ADVICE – Always remember to build a balanced team that is strong in all 5 aspects of the game. Get two strong solo’s, a strong duo lane, and a strong jungler and your chances of winning will increase drastically! If you’re not 1st or 2nd pick please pick accordingly to the rest of your team. Communication in pregame chat is the key to success! If you have an AD and an AP carry then the remaining roles of Tank, Support, and Jungle need to be filled! It’s the best way to become a great League of Legends player by having a well rounded group of champions you can play! Master all aspects of the game and not just one!

*Tier 1 - Vayne, Twisted Fate, Annie, Alistar, Eve, Corki, Teemo, Nidalee, Nocturne, Jarvan IV, Irelia, Akali, Renekton, Cho’Gath, Janna, Malzahar, Swain, Karthus, Soraka, Warwick, Vlad, Singed, Amumu, Maokai, Shen,

* Tier 2 - Ashe, Jax, Lee Sin, Caitlyn, Orianna, Urgot, Tristana, Ryze, Xin Zhao, Shaco, Kassadin, Olaf, Casseopia,Udyr, Sion, Lux, Kennen, Zilean, Trundle, Miss Fortune, Leblanc, Ezreal, Brand, Nunu, Anivia, Mundo,

* Tier 3 – Blitzcrank, Taric, Morgana, Nasus, Master Yi, Malphite, Garen,Rammus, Tyrndamere, Sona, Poppy, Rumble, Kog’Maw, Gragas

* Tier 4 – Sivir, Veigar, Katarina, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Pantheon,Fiddlesticks, Twitch, Galio, Karma, Heimerdinger,Gangplank

Tier 1 - These champions are at the top of this list for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason being you can actually carry a team with them. In League of Legends its very hard to be a “true” carry as this game if very team oriented. If you’ve ever played a 4v5 you’ll know what I am talking about as it’s literally impossible to win. So I find these champions in Tier 1 lane VERY well in terms of being able to kill creeps well, harassing the enemy champion, and survivability. For the junglers in tier 1 it’s because they control the jungle well, and do it safely. Also gank well and if get fed can actually carry games themselves. All these champions have great early games for the most part and just continuously get stronger as the game goes on. These are the pub stomp kings of the game in my eyes currently.

Tier 2 - These champions like tier 1 champions are great laners, and are great to have on your team in Solo Queue. They just don’t carry as hard as other champions in tier 1 I find. Their early game laning power can be almost equal to the strength of tier 1 champions but I find the tier 2 champions to be slightly weaker than these tier 1 champions in terms of how hard you can carry a solo queue game with them. They are still the creme of the crop in Solo Queue and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Tier 3 - These champions I find to be great 3rd, 4th, or 5th picks on a team. They are 100% viable but these champions generally aren’t as strong in lane as tier 1 and tier 2 champions and often take the Duo lane as they aren’t as strong as solo’s. A few of them in this tier can stand toe to toe to a lot of tier 1 and 2 champions in a Solo lane but I find they just aren’t sought after as “great” Solo Queue solo laners. These champs are all 100% viable in solo queue. I just find them to be slightly weaker than tier 2 champions in Solo Queue.

Tier 4 - Now tier 4 is a tricky tier I find. These champs are all 100% viable for Solo Queue. If someone says they play a great X champion in tier 4 than you can let them solo or play that champion. These champions are simply tier 4 because they require a lot more farm I find than other champions to reach that “carry status” in Solo Queue. These champions are usually played by people who love these champions for their design and play style so usually people who play these champions I find aren’t bad players at all so letting them play these champions sometime is a good choice. These champions problem isn’t poor laning or really anything other than they require a lot more effort to be good at and a lot more skill to do well on is all. They’re all fun champions and I suggest you give them a whirl and try them out!

DISCLAIMER! – Now remember everyone. This is just an OPINION and nothing else. Take it with a grain of salt and remember not to flame anyone in-game over me or my lists!

SOLO QUEUE ADVICE – Always remember to build a balanced team that is strong in all 5 aspects of the game. Get two strong solo’s, a strong duo lane, and a strong jungler and your chances of winning will increase drastically! If you’re not 1st or 2nd pick please pick accordingly to the rest of your team. Communication in pregame chat is the key to success! If you have an AD and an AP carry then the remaining roles of Tank, Support, and Jungle need to be filled! It’s the best way to become a great League of Legends player by having a well-rounded group of champions you can play! Master all aspects of the game and not just one!

*--* CHANGE LOG *--*

Vayne moved up in tier 1 - This is pretty self explanatory as she's banned in every single game or picked in every single game. She's just all around strong and snowballs crazy hard. The perfect combo for Solo Queue.

Kassadin moved down to tier 2 - I feel his early game is so weak that for him to get to that "oh my god Kass is OP status!" it takes far too long and I find him too weak to play now. He's still really good in a lot of situations and can definitely carry Solo Queue games but he's lacking a bit right now in the early game department.

Cho'Gath moved up to tier 1 - His lane sustainability, burst, and overall tankyness just makes him tier 1 imo. He can really carry a Solo Queue game if he's got a lot of farm.

Urgot moved down to tier 2 - I feel his god tier laning isn't that god tier anymore compared to others and then his mid/late falls off a bit if he doesn't get that great early game. Don't get me wrong if you're good with Urgot you can still carry and do well hence why he's going to tier 2 but I don't feel he's tier 1 worthy anymore for Solo Queue.

Akali moved up to tier 1 - Her laning is decently strong, but when played correctly her burst on targets is just awesome. She can drop people in a matter of seconds and move onto another champion and kill them just the same. She snowballs in fights with her ultimate gaining another charge for every kill/assist and that can really turn the tide of a lot of games. Her survivability is pretty high too with charging to things with R and W's stealth.

Ryze moved down to tier 2 - I feel he's not that great since the nerf. It really hurt his early game a lot more then it should of. He's still good and still is a tank/mage that crush's face, you just have to be an experienced Ryze player to do this.

Kennen moved up to tier 2 - His laning strength is awesome and I believe because of this you can snowball and carry a lot of games just by dominating your lane. His mid/late game is alright, VERY farm dependent but if you get that farm you can 100% carry your games with him. AD Kennen is also viable as well.

Lee Sin moved up to tier 2 - Jungle, Solo Lane, or Duo Lane Lee Sin can do it all. If you get farmed on him you can really carry with him. Even if you're not that farmed he's still a very strong champion currently.

Maokai moved up to tier 1 - His Solo Lane and his Jungle is pretty damn strong. He sustains himself quite well using his passive and his burst is so unexpected people fall for it all the time. They think Maokai can't dish out that kind of DPS but he can and you can get a lot of kills leaving people going "wtf how did I die!?".

Soraka moved to tier 1 - Healing like she does is so incredibly powerful in Solo Queue I'd say she's a pick or ban in every game. If you're good at Soraka you can carry teams just by the sheer amount of heals and support you deliver to your team.

Annie moved up to tier 1 - This is self explanatory just like Vayne. All around awesome and bursts like a mo'fuka!

Xin Zhao moved up tier 2 - Jungle Xin is amazing just like I said in my Draft Mode List because of how powerful his ganks are. Then if he's fed his team fighting ability is just so STRONG, he just goes from target to target dishing out DPS. Looking for a DPS jungler to play? Xin is your man.

New Champion Time!

Orianna placed into tier 2 - I feel her lane control is good, her burst is good, and her supporting is pretty good too. I am not 100% sure if tier 2 belongs to her yet but I feel for now this will do. Play her as an AP carry and harass and poke the crap out of everything with your ball!