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SK got some Drama going on!

Hey guys just wanted to give you this statement and our(my) point of view

So first of all the decision that wetdream is out was decided AFTER we lost IEM.

For a a team like SK, that is quite a big name, its a shame to not go through groupstage and obviously they were quite mad.

Since ocelote is quite close with SK and played for them several years SK spoke with ocelote first and informed him that this is unacceptable, before talking with the all of us togheter.

About all the money thing its quite a big story but I will give my statement to this since its quite important to understand the situation.

Some people of our team, including wetdream, wanted salary gear and laptops etc before we even proved ANYTHING.
These people wanted -->600<-- salary per month which is insane.
Thats, to not tell any numbers, more then double the amount other top teams get.

When SK said us they wont give us some of us went completly insane, and wanted to leave the team immediatley.

Falli, our manager, wrote SK an email we leave SK because other teams make a better offer.

They couldnt even react to make a counter offer.
Thankfully we could stay in SK and we made a deal that we would get a reasonable salary and gear if we do good at Gamescom since until after Gamescom we didnt prove anything, we didnt prove that were a good team, just that we qualified for 2 important tournaments.

So after we were out it was quite understandable that SK wont give us all the stuff they said since it was a disaster IEM for them.

So thats how it was and thats why some people including wetdream wanted to leave SK.

In my opinion im with Ocelote we didnt prove anything so why would they give us more then other topteams, that would be completly retarded.

Also thats why I prefered staying in SK then leaving them with Wetdream.
Wetdream is a nice guy and for sure we didnt kick him because he brings bad mood to the team but the reason why he had to leave was simple.

SK saw him as the reason we lost IEM and so he had to go or we all had to go.

Personally I would have prefered to just stick in SK as we are right now to improve but there was no way we could do that so it went this way.

Also I think wetdream got more time now for his website which will grow bigger so its not as bad.
About all the stuff like ocelote being a two faced person or other private things wetdream wrote about in his statement I can just say that this is really unnecressary and just unprofessonal.

Its just going mad and has nothing to do with the team or SK, so I wont comment that. Anyway thats my opinion on this whole situation

thanks randomnoob :*


My thoughts on this.

I don't think it's the right choice for them to boot WetDream out as working together as a team and improving it a much better choice. If you're constantly breaking up and picking up new members it's very hard to play great as a team. Oh well, that's SK's choice overall, and maybe it will work out for them and maybe it won't.


Solo Queue Tier List - Wukong

This list will compile all the champions into tiers that I will explain later in the post. This is about how great of a champion they can be in solo queue and how well they can be played overall. This list isn’t about “picks” or drafting. It’s about how good a champion is in Solo Queue. I emphasize Solo Queue because Draft Mode 5v5 is a lot different and they should have two separate lists. This list will be mostly revolving around how good a champion is at Soloing, Jungling, Early game,Mid game, and team fighting ability. It will have almost nothing to do with Late Game which 90% of competitive games go to. Majority of solo queue games end between 25 and 35 minutes. So this is what this list will be focusing on.

*Tier 1 - Orianna, Gangplank, Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Annie, Alistar, Corki, Brand, Akali, Nidalee, Soraka, Karthus, Nocturne, Mordekaiser, Irelia,Casseopia, Renekton, Warwick, Cho'Gath, Jarvan IV, Ashe,Vayne, Vlad, Malzahar, Rumble, Singed, Twisted Fate, Amumu, Yorick

* Tier 2 - Tristana, Teemo, Kassadin,Lee Sin, Taric, Caitlyn, Urgot, Kog’Maw, Swain, Ryze, Jax, Kennen, Xin Zhao, Garen, Shaco, Maokai, Sion, Lux, Zilean, Gragas, Trundle, Miss Fortune, Janna,Leblanc, Ezreal, Anivia, Mundo

* Tier 3 – Blitzcrank, Morgana, Master Yi, Malphite, Wukong, Olaf, Rammus, Nunu, Tryndamere, Sona, Poppy, Shen

* Tier 4 – Sivir, Veigar, Nasus, Leona, Katarina, Pantheon, Kayle, Twitch, Galio, Karma, Heimerdinger,Eve

Tier 1 - These champions are at the top of this list for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason being you can actually carry a team with them. In League of Legends its very hard to be a “true” carry as this game if very team oriented. If you’ve ever played a 4v5 you’ll know what I am talking about as it’s literally impossible to win. So I find these champions in Tier 1 lane VERY well in terms of being able to kill creeps well, harassing the enemy champion, and survivability. For the junglers in tier 1 it’s because they control the jungle well, and do it safely. Also gank well and if get fed can actually carry games themselves. All these champions have great early games for the most part and just continuously get stronger as the game goes on. These are the pub stomp kings of the game in my eyes currently.

Tier 2 - These champions like tier 1 champions are great laners, and are great to have on your team in Solo Queue. They just don’t carry as hard as other champions in tier 1 I find. Their early game laning power can be almost equal to the strength of tier 1 champions but I find the tier 2 champions to be slightly weaker than these tier 1 champions in terms of how hard you can carry a solo queue game with them. They are still the creme of the crop in Solo Queue and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Tier 3 - These champions I find to be great 3rd, 4th, or 5th picks on a team. They are 100% viable but these champions generally aren’t as strong in lane as tier 1 and tier 2 champions and often take the Duo lane as they aren’t as strong as solo’s. A few of them in this tier can stand toe to toe to a lot of tier 1 and 2 champions in a Solo lane but I find they just aren’t sought after as “great” Solo Queue solo laners. These champs are all 100% viable in solo queue. I just find them to be slightly weaker than tier 2 champions in Solo Queue.

Tier 4 - Now tier 4 is a tricky tier I find. These champs are all 100% viable for Solo Queue. If someone says they play a great X champion in tier 4 than you can let them solo or play that champion. These champions are simply tier 4 because they require a lot more farm I find than other champions to reach that “carry status” in Solo Queue. These champions are usually played by people who love these champions for their design and play style so usually people who play these champions I find aren’t bad players at all so letting them play these champions sometime is a good choice. These champions problem isn’t poor laning or really anything other than they require a lot more effort to be good at and a lot more skill to do well on is all. They’re all fun champions and I suggest you give them a whirl and try them out!


Warwick moved down in tier 1 - His laning got hit by the nerf, and he's not that crazy in lane anymore. Still a viable laner, and still a great jungler though.

Twisted Fate moved down in tier 1 - The ulti nerf hit him a bit so he's moving down accordingly.

Rumble moved down in tier 1 - I felt he was a bit too high in tier 1.

Jarvan moved down in tier 1 - I felt he was a bit too high in tier 1. His laning not that crazy anymore and I am seeing him as more of a jungler now.

Brand moved up in tier 1 - Great laning. Powerful early and mid game. Very strong burst.

Orianna moved up in tier 1 - Insane utility and damage on top of great lane control. Solo queue boss.

Gangplank moved up in tier 1 - Amazing jungler as his ganks are very strong. His early and mid game are strong but late game he just becomes a powerhouse.

Udyr moved up in tier 1 - Had him a bit too low. Yes his laning got nerfed a bit but still incredibly hard to push out of lane and still farms great in lane and just like GP is a powerhouse late game.

Teemo moved down to tier 2 - I felt he was too high so I moved him down a bit.

Karthus moved up in tier 1 - I think his R just makes him godmode for solo queue. On top of his R his baron and dragon DPS is LOLWTF and by LOLWTF I mean ZOMGFAST. Clearing baron quickly and picking up low kills are massive turning points in solo queue so I feel he should be higher.

Soraka moved up in tier 1 - Counter Karthus so I moved her up.. Justttt Kidddinggg but her heals are godlike. Duo queue with a good Soraka player for free Elo as healing is broken in solo queue imo.

Yorick moved up to tier 1 - BUT WHY ELEMENTZ WHY! HE GOT NERFED SO HARD! I know he did but he counters people without any sustain INCREDIBLY hard still. Throw him vs any caster middle or AD carry (rare but still) he counters them very well. Still a very strong solo queue champ. Not so much competitive play but in solo queue yes.

Mordekaiser moved up to tier 1 - Morde es #1 Elementz tier list (;3) Winning lanes in solo queue wins you games. Morde wins lanes quite effectively. That's about it.

Fiddlesticks moved up in tier 1 - Fiddle moved up in tier 1 becaus-CAWCAWCAWCAW.. That's basically it. You land ONE good ultimate in a team fight and you turn the game in your favor instantly. Doesn't matter if you're losing, a good Fiddle ulti will change the game into your favor.

Akali moved up in tier 1 - Her ability to snowball is just disgusting. Playing vs or with a fed Akali early is just like (WHY SHE DO SO MUCH DAMAGE AND I CAN'T KILL HER?) She's one of the strongest fed champions in the game and her burst is high so killing people who don't know to play vs Akali (there's a lot) and snowballing to win games in easy.

Kassadin moved up in tier 2 - I feel even though his laning is kinda weak, he picks up kills in team fights so nicely and can snowball you into a win.

Cassiopeia moved up to tier 1 - Stupid strong laning. Q + E harass is pretty strong atm. Win lane, win game.

Tristana moved up in tier 2 - I feel she was a bit too low.

Taric moved up to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too low.

Swain moved down to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too high. His nerfs have knocked him down.

Kennen moved up in tier 2 - I feel he should be a bit higher. He compliments team fights so well with other AoE Champs.

Garen moved up to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too low. He's still a great solo queue champ.

Kog'Maw moved up to tier 2 - His late game is most likely the strongest out of any AD carry (yes even beating Corki) in single target DPS. You just hit so hard from so far away. And his R when fed does some amazing poke damage.

Nunu moved down to tier 3 - He's not so great anymore.

Nasus moved down to tier 4 - Requires a lot of farm to be godlike. Tier 4 suites him better.

Kayle moved down to tier 4 - Same as Nasus. I feel she needs a lot of farm now to reach that "damn! OP" state.

**New Champ Time**

Leona placed in tier 4 - Her laning is just so awkard atm. Some duo comps work well with her (Leona + Lux) and her solo lane is okay. She just requires a lot of farm like Nasus n Kayle to reach the unkillable state. You really need to be smart on what you're laning vs with her.

Wukong placed in tier 3 - His laning is actually pretty decent. His team fighting is okay too. Overall a decent champ but nothing crazy.


"The Alley Oop"

Jungle Tier list - Skarner Era

by Stonewall on Friday, August 12th 2011 - 13:58 / 9460 Views /
Tier 1 - Udyr,Lee Sin, Trundle, Warwick, Nocturne, Fiddlesticks, Cho Gath
Tier 2- Nunu, Xin Zhao,Gangplank, Amumu,Jarvan,Maokai,Master Yi
Tier 3 - Olaf, Tryndamere, Shaco, Shen, Yorick, Gragas, Alistar, Malphite
Tier 4 - Akali, Rammus, Irelia, Skarner, Dr Mundo, Sion, Renekton, Mordekaiser,
Tier 5 - Karthus, Pantheon, Karma, Nasus, Taric, Wukong, Evelynn, Orianna, Jax,

Tier 1 – The best at what they do. Some are the purist of
control junglers or the fiercest of gankers and some are versatile enough to do
both. Whatever the case these are the best in terms of jungling – they far and
beyond exceed several or all aspects of jungling and have an indisputable
strength about them.

Tier 2 – These junglers are the strongest after the gods. They usually excel
at most of the aspects of jungling and are far and beyond in one or two. They
have fewer weaknesses than most other junglers and may have a niche ability
unique to them. When you want to excel at jungling – you come to these first.

Tier 3- These junglers are very similar to Tier 2 heroes. They are so
similar that they’re basically interchangeable and are very capable of
competing with tier 2 junglers. The only reason they are in a separate bracket
is due to them being not as well rounded or someone above them is their
superior mirror. Also for organization purposes.

Tier 4- These junglers are weaker than the other junglers either due to
naturally just not being suitable for the jungle or having to alter their
optimal builds in order to jungle successfully. At the same time there are
others above who are simply miles better and they bring nothing really unique
to jungling. They’re usually prone to being dominated by stronger junglers.

Tier 5- A special tier graded differently than the others. The junglers here
CAN jungle but they usually have to impact their standard builds in interesting
ways in order to successfully do so. Either the impact is minor, but
noticeable, or major and could affect them later into the game. Placement is
also a bit wishy washy.

Now the reason of the updates...

Pantheon – just moved him in the tier that doesn’t matter at all. Seriously I half ass that
tier section <_<

Tryndamere – More consistency is good and the buffs had no real change. Just those who were in
front of him didn’t feel like they should have been ahead.

Yes I am preparing for the possible storm that’s going to

Nunu – Ever since those nerfs you’ve been seeing less of him. The new meta has also made him feel
a little less impressive since roamers are a bit phased out. Nunu had the
luxury of being a jungler that could just wander like an amnesiac and be damn
good at it and with the nerfs and meta shift – it’s a lot less easy for him to
do that. It’s sort of like trying to write on a piece of paper after it’s been
wet and you dried it. It just feels weird. He’s not awful. He’s still a strong
jungler and strong choice – he’s just not as good as before and it was felt for
awhile. I finally just moved him.

Fiddlesticks – Yes right now he’s really powerful. He sets up so many opportunities for your
team. He’s a CC toolbox who packs a lot of damage throughout the course of the
game. He also has the power of early barons and dragons in combination of
packing so much CC. He’s been slowly climbing and he’s just showing how absurd
he is.

He forces the team to ward in odd locations as his flash
ultimate can still avoid wards. His damage in ganks is almost unrivaled as

Ganks with fiddlesticks are just frightening. Either he uses
his ultimate and obliterates people and locks them in with CC or waltzes in and
shuts you down and gets you murdered. Fiddlesticks also has an easy time
forcing the use of your summoner spells in inopportune times and setting up his
team for easy team fights early when it’s harder to deal with his shenanigans.

Even strong jungle duelists like Lee Sin and Trundle have a
very difficult time fighting him – in fact he’s probably the jungler most
immune to dueling.

Oh and he can also pseudo initiate.

Now for the new Champion – SKARNER

Yeah he’s pretty bad even though he was advertised as a

Speed – A tad slower than Warwick EVEN with a leash.
Survivability – Counter junglers and duelists will eat him
alive and he’s not at good health jungling
Path – he’s got a few builds he can go and a few starting
paths but very few aggressive ones
Sustain – His damage is reliable and can start snowballing
but he’s incredibly mana intensive
Ganking – only a few more tools than warwick
and a worse level 6 than warwick.
Not impressive.
Invasion – crappy sustain and poor dueling do not allow for
good invasion

As Jungle Picks go - this is what I know

Tier 1
Amumu (tank)
Nunu (support)
Warwick (tanky initiator)
Jarvan (tank)
Fiddlesticks (caster/support)
Gangplank (carry/support)

Tier 2
Alistar (multipurpose)
Trundle (bruiser)
Nocturne (assassin/bruiser)
Udyr (tank/bruiser)
Lee Sin (assassin/bruiser)


Finished Tutorial!

Finished Tutorial!

 I hosted my segment of the Team Solomid's giving Back to the Community event this weekend. I spent nearly three hours going over support and its numerous attributes. I covered the list of items in my last blog post and I had a lot of fun giving commentary on the two games that I played. As a reminder, my tutorial doesn't teach people how to play, but rather only serves as an informational way for players to improve their support prowess. I do not people to think that what I showcased is the only way or even the best way to support as it is always better to develop their own style that evolves with the players they team with.

 I also played and commentated on two high Elo ranked solo queue games, an Alistar defeat and a Soraka victory. In both games, I showed how I start off my early game on supports with my Clairvoyance usage and ward placements, including my thought process in these aspects. Throughout the game, I highlighted areas where I felt that I played well and at the same time pinpointed my mistakes throughout the match.

 As with any champion, the best way to learn is to simply gather as many games as you can.

 The VoDs are up on own3d in case you would like to watch any part of the event ^^

 Part 1/3: http://www.own3d.tv/video/174115/
 Part 2/3: http://www.own3d.tv/video/174121/
 Part 3/3: http://www.own3d.tv/video/174162/
 Q&A: http://www.own3d.tv/video/174183


Solo Queue Tier List updated

This list will compile all the champions into tiers that I will explain later in the post. This is about how great of a champion they can be in solo queue and how well they can be played overall. This list isn’t about “picks” or drafting. It’s about how good a champion is in Solo Queue. I emphasize Solo Queue because Draft Mode 5v5 is a lot different and they should have two separate lists. This list will be mostly revolving around how good a champion is at Soloing, Jungling, Early game,Mid game, and team fighting ability. It will have almost nothing to do with Late Game which 90% of competitive games go to. Majority of solo queue games end between 25 and 35 minutes. So this is what this list will be focusing on.

*Tier 1 - Orianna, Gangplank, Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Annie, Alistar, Corki, Brand, Akali, Nidalee, Soraka, Karthus, Nocturne, Mordekaiser, Irelia,Casseopia, Renekton, Warwick, Cho'Gath, Jarvan IV, Ashe,Vayne, Vlad, Malzahar, Rumble, Singed, Twisted Fate, Amumu, Yorick

* Tier 2 - Tristana, Teemo, Kassadin,Lee Sin, Taric, Caitlyn, Urgot, Kog’Maw, Swain, Ryze, Jax, Kennen, Xin Zhao, Garen, Shaco, Maokai, Sion, Lux, Zilean, Gragas, Trundle, Miss Fortune, Janna,Leblanc, Ezreal, Anivia, Mundo

* Tier 3 – Blitzcrank, Morgana, Master Yi, Malphite, Wukong, Olaf, Rammus, Nunu, Tryndamere, Sona, Poppy, Shen

* Tier 4 – Sivir, Veigar, Nasus, Leona, Katarina, Pantheon, Kayle, Twitch, Galio, Karma, Heimerdinger,Eve

Tier 1 - These champions are at the top of this list for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason being you can actually carry a team with them. In League of Legends its very hard to be a “true” carry as this game if very team oriented. If you’ve ever played a 4v5 you’ll know what I am talking about as it’s literally impossible to win. So I find these champions in Tier 1 lane VERY well in terms of being able to kill creeps well, harassing the enemy champion, and survivability. For the junglers in tier 1 it’s because they control the jungle well, and do it safely. Also gank well and if get fed can actually carry games themselves. All these champions have great early games for the most part and just continuously get stronger as the game goes on. These are the pub stomp kings of the game in my eyes currently.

Tier 2 - These champions like tier 1 champions are great laners, and are great to have on your team in Solo Queue. They just don’t carry as hard as other champions in tier 1 I find. Their early game laning power can be almost equal to the strength of tier 1 champions but I find the tier 2 champions to be slightly weaker than these tier 1 champions in terms of how hard you can carry a solo queue game with them. They are still the creme of the crop in Solo Queue and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Tier 3 - These champions I find to be great 3rd, 4th, or 5th picks on a team. They are 100% viable but these champions generally aren’t as strong in lane as tier 1 and tier 2 champions and often take the Duo lane as they aren’t as strong as solo’s. A few of them in this tier can stand toe to toe to a lot of tier 1 and 2 champions in a Solo lane but I find they just aren’t sought after as “great” Solo Queue solo laners. These champs are all 100% viable in solo queue. I just find them to be slightly weaker than tier 2 champions in Solo Queue.

Tier 4 - Now tier 4 is a tricky tier I find. These champs are all 100% viable for Solo Queue. If someone says they play a great X champion in tier 4 than you can let them solo or play that champion. These champions are simply tier 4 because they require a lot more farm I find than other champions to reach that “carry status” in Solo Queue. These champions are usually played by people who love these champions for their design and play style so usually people who play these champions I find aren’t bad players at all so letting them play these champions sometime is a good choice. These champions problem isn’t poor laning or really anything other than they require a lot more effort to be good at and a lot more skill to do well on is all. They’re all fun champions and I suggest you give them a whirl and try them out!


Warwick moved down in tier 1 - His laning got hit by the nerf, and he's not that crazy in lane anymore. Still a viable laner, and still a great jungler though.

Twisted Fate moved down in tier 1 - The ulti nerf hit him a bit so he's moving down accordingly.

Rumble moved down in tier 1 - I felt he was a bit too high in tier 1.

Jarvan moved down in tier 1 - I felt he was a bit too high in tier 1. His laning not that crazy anymore and I am seeing him as more of a jungler now.

Brand moved up in tier 1 - Great laning. Powerful early and mid game. Very strong burst.

Orianna moved up in tier 1 - Insane utility and damage on top of great lane control. Solo queue boss.

Gangplank moved up in tier 1 - Amazing jungler as his ganks are very strong. His early and mid game are strong but late game he just becomes a powerhouse.

Udyr moved up in tier 1 - Had him a bit too low. Yes his laning got nerfed a bit but still incredibly hard to push out of lane and still farms great in lane and just like GP is a powerhouse late game.

Teemo moved down to tier 2 - I felt he was too high so I moved him down a bit.

Karthus moved up in tier 1 - I think his R just makes him godmode for solo queue. On top of his R his baron and dragon DPS is LOLWTF and by LOLWTF I mean ZOMGFAST. Clearing baron quickly and picking up low kills are massive turning points in solo queue so I feel he should be higher.

Soraka moved up in tier 1 - Counter Karthus so I moved her up.. Justttt Kidddinggg but her heals are godlike. Duo queue with a good Soraka player for free Elo as healing is broken in solo queue imo.

Yorick moved up to tier 1 - BUT WHY ELEMENTZ WHY! HE GOT NERFED SO HARD! I know he did but he counters people without any sustain INCREDIBLY hard still. Throw him vs any caster middle or AD carry (rare but still) he counters them very well. Still a very strong solo queue champ. Not so much competitive play but in solo queue yes.

Mordekaiser moved up to tier 1 - Morde es #1 Elementz tier list (;3) Winning lanes in solo queue wins you games. Morde wins lanes quite effectively. That's about it.

Fiddlesticks moved up in tier 1 - Fiddle moved up in tier 1 becaus-CAWCAWCAWCAW.. That's basically it. You land ONE good ultimate in a team fight and you turn the game in your favor instantly. Doesn't matter if you're losing, a good Fiddle ulti will change the game into your favor.

Akali moved up in tier 1 - Her ability to snowball is just disgusting. Playing vs or with a fed Akali early is just like (WHY SHE DO SO MUCH DAMAGE AND I CAN'T KILL HER?) She's one of the strongest fed champions in the game and her burst is high so killing people who don't know to play vs Akali (there's a lot) and snowballing to win games in easy.

Kassadin moved up in tier 2 - I feel even though his laning is kinda weak, he picks up kills in team fights so nicely and can snowball you into a win.

Cassiopeia moved up to tier 1 - Stupid strong laning. Q + E harass is pretty strong atm. Win lane, win game.

Tristana moved up in tier 2 - I feel she was a bit too low.

Taric moved up to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too low.

Swain moved down to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too high. His nerfs have knocked him down.

Kennen moved up in tier 2 - I feel he should be a bit higher. He compliments team fights so well with other AoE Champs.

Garen moved up to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too low. He's still a great solo queue champ.

Kog'Maw moved up to tier 2 - His late game is most likely the strongest out of any AD carry (yes even beating Corki) in single target DPS. You just hit so hard from so far away. And his R when fed does some amazing poke damage.

Nunu moved down to tier 3 - He's not so great anymore.

Nasus moved down to tier 4 - Requires a lot of farm to be godlike. Tier 4 suites him better.

Kayle moved down to tier 4 - Same as Nasus. I feel she needs a lot of farm now to reach that "damn! OP" state.

**New Champ Time**

Leona placed in tier 4 - Her laning is just so awkard atm. Some duo comps work well with her (Leona + Lux) and her solo lane is okay. She just requires a lot of farm like Nasus n Kayle to reach the unkillable state. You really need to be smart on what you're laning vs with her.

Wukong placed in tier 3 - His laning is actually pretty decent. His team fighting is okay too. Overall a decent champ but nothing crazy