
Bump them right into It

Wards. We all buy them, or at least we should. We place them at the keyspots of a map to gain vision and that enables possible ganks and buff steals. Yet wards have another use (apart from eating your gold)! They have the ability to interrupt projectiles!


 How does it work? It's pretty simple:
You are playing and suddenly a Rammus charges at you from the bushes with his Powerball. You won't survive if he Taunts you and you won't be able to get away if he bumps into you. So what do you do? You place a Ward in front of Rammus and he bumps into the Ward while you can happily flee.

As demonstrated in the video below:
Just go to the min 9 and see how its works ;p



League of Legends - Patch Preview

Episode three of the Patch Preview series is up! Replacing Morello for this episode we have Guinsoo who’s also from the design team, and replacing Phreak we have Phreak with no voice thanks to a hockey game the night before the recording. Never fear, the content is as good as ever! Renekton, Rammus, and many more changes await us. Watch and learn!

A New Champion Approaches: Karma, the Enlightened One


Even in her youth, Karma exhibited almost superhuman composure. While her peers explored the torrent of emotions that came with adolescence, Karma meditated in the Lotus Gardens. She was convinced that the true path to enlightenment was a journey inward, to a place within the self, overlooked by most. She exuded such inner contentment that she quickly became a go-to mediator and confidante in her village. Her instructors used to say: "That girl can not only weather a storm, but calm it." Karma did not live extravagantly; her parents owned a local business selling antiques in the Navori province and they often struggled to provide for themselves, though they did so with cheery optimism. Her most prized possessions were two exquisite fans taken from her family's shop.

When Noxian troops invaded southern Ionia, her village was one of the first to fall. The villagers who survived the assault were captured by Noxian forces. It was then that Karma found her calling. By exploiting the insecurities of the Noxian commander, she negotiated the safe release of the villagers to the northern lands. She was present at the Placidium, where the Elders had considered surrender until Irelia's impassioned last stand renewed the Ionians' hope. Karma used this hope to solidify the Elders' commitment to remain defiant against the Noxian onslaught. For her devotion and charisma, Karma was made the figurehead of the Ionian resistance. She never compromised, and she shared every hardship with her people, even when it came to combat. By tapping into her inner resilience, she discovered that she could bring great force to bear against her foes on the battlefield. She modified her fans into lethal implements, and was tutored by Janna to enhance their effects. The Noxians called her "The Enlightened One," a nickname she embraced, and one which they would come to dread. She joined the League to represent Ionia in the ultimate political arena.

"Her fan technique is a deadly art of grace and poise, but her truest strength lies in the hearts of those willing to die alongside her." –Irelia, the Will of the Blades


Heavenly Wave: Karma sends forth a wave of hidden blades from her fans, dealing magic damage to units in a cone in front of her.
Mantra Bonus: In addition to dealing damage to enemies, Heavenly Wave will also heal allies in the cone. The amount healed is amplified depending upon the amount of life Karma, or her allies are missing

Spirit Bond: Karma bonds an ally or enemy creating a beam between them. Bonded allies have increased movement speed and bonded enemies have reduced movement speed. Enemy units that come in contact with the beam take magic damage, and champions who pass through the beam receive the same movement speed modifier as bonded champions.
Mantra Bonus: Karma imbues the beam to grant bonus movement speed to any ally that passes through the beam. Any enemy that passes through the beam suffers reduced movement speedKarma strengthens the bond to double the effect of the movement speed modifier.

Soul Shield: Karma summons a protective shield that absorbs incoming damage.
Mantra Bonus: In addition to the shield, energy radiates out from the shield, dealing damage to enemy units around the recipient.

Mantra (Ultimate):

Karma empowers her next ability to do an additional effect. Mantra is available at level 1 and does not require a skill point.

Inner Flame (Passive): Karma gains increased Ability Power corresponding to her missing Health.

pic 2
pic 3
pick 4

Upcoming Mana Regen Rune Nurfs!

The forums are all a buzz over what was called a “Bug” in the shop this week which showed MP5 per Level runes getting their numbers cut. Several posts have been made complaining about the changes which has sparked a number of posts by Riot Devs. Most players are completely baffled by these changes, which by its self does seem like kind of an unusual change. A few Riot Posts seem to indicate that this isn’t the whole story

New Hero Karma Abilities!


Heavenly Wave: Karma sends forth a wave of hidden blades from her fans, dealing magic damage to units in a cone in front of her.

Mantra Bonus: In addition to dealing damage to enemies, Heavenly Wave will also heal allies in the cone. The amount healed is amplified depending upon the amount of life Karma, or her allies are missing

Spirit Bond: Karma bonds an ally or enemy creating a beam between them. Bonded allies have increased movement speed and bonded enemies have reduced movement speed. Enemy units that come in contact with the beam take magic damage, and champions who pass through the beam receive the same movement speed modifier as bonded champions.

Mantra Bonus: Karma strengthens the bond to double the effect of the movement speed modifier.

Soul Shield: Karma summons a protective shield that absorbs incoming damage.

Mantra Bonus: In addition to the shield, energy radiates out from the shield, dealing damage to enemy units around the recipient.

Mantra (Ultimate): Karma empowers her next ability to do an additional effect. Mantra is available at level 1 and does not require a skill point.

Inner Flame (Passive): Karma gains increased Ability Power corresponding to her missing Health.


New heros comming after Karma!

1º Moakai: Similar to Treant Protector from Dota ^^ - February 15

2º Jarvan IV: The prince of Demacia! March 1


SK.Araneae presents - LoL frenzy! (1)

First movie of Araneae, captain of the SK Gaming League of Legends team.

New map coming!!

Deep within the obsidian mountain from which the Institute of War is sculpted lies the League’s most intense Field of Justice to date – the Magma Chamber. Before the time of the League, the Chamber was the heart of a powerful, but now dormant, volcano. Ancient magma flows cut out a gigantic cavernous room that the League has reshaped for its own purposes. This battle arena was built specifically to address the increasing number of disputes between Demacia and Noxus. It is one of the the largest Fields of Justice found anywhere on Valoran. To that end, teleporting platforms provide champions with the ability to rapidly relocate to strategic points in the arena. The magic-infused stone and cooled magma that dominates the structure of the arena will force champions to work together more closely in pushing toward the enemy’s nexus. It will be harder for a champion to rely on their summoner to traverse hazards and obstacles. The League is preparing this Field of Justice to be the premier arena for its use; as such, a slew of new monsters and minions await champions in what will surely be their greatest challenge yet

The map will be optimized for 5v5 play, similar to the original Summoner's Rift map, but is intended to have a different feel and strategic approach. Unlike Summoner’s Rift, which focuses on larger team fights in the mid and late game, Magma Chamber emphasizes smaller, more tactical fights, map awareness and victory in specific lanes. This is accomplished via a richer jungle and more isolated lanes that are difficult to switch between. Magma Chamber will also feature all new neutral minions that grant powerful buffs when defeated, new brush configurations and some other surprises that will help you traverse the rocky terrain. The map will include portals with which champions can teleport themselves through the area to other portals.

Possible layout of Magma Chamber's lanes, creep camps and structures


Draft Mode Tier List

This is MY opinion solely and does not reflect my team’s or any other high level player opinion on high level play. It’s for you to read and discuss for your enjoyment and nothing else.

This is my tier list according to Season 1 Draft Mode / Tournament Play (NOT blind pick MM) I’ve put all the champions I feel are viable on SR and will be picked in competitive play. List goes from left to right, best to worst in each tier.

* Tier 1: Anivia, Sivir, Ashe, Corki, Annie, Warwick, Shen, Janna, Taric, Rammus

* Tier 2: Miss Fortune, Amumu, Kennen, Morgana, Kassadin, Zilean, Tristana, Vladimir, Sion, Kog’Maw, Udyr, Xin Zhao, Sona, Shaco, Olaf

* Tier 3: Cho’Gath, Malphite, Nunu, Pantheon, Twisted Fate, Poppy, Ezreal, Kayle, Karthus, Mal’zahar, Eve, Akali, Swain, Leblanc, Gragas, Irelia, Singed, Blitzcrank.

* Tier 4: Nasus, Urgot, Teemo, Mordekaiser, Lux, Veigar, Yi, Trundle, Soraka, Gangplank, Garen, Nidalee, Jax, Fiddlesticks.

* Hard to place on a team: Alistar, Twitch, Ryze, Tryndamere, Caitlyn, Mundo, Galio, Heimerdinger, Katarina, Cassiopeia.

Tier 1 – These champions have proved time and time again that they deserve to be here. These champions are game changing if you can get them most of the time. Player skill combined with knowing how to use these champions correctly will ultimately result in success.

Tier 2 – These champions are barely under tier 1. They all again do their roles incredibly well and are should be considered highly valuable picks. They all synergize very well into the vast majority of viable line ups. Players should be playing these champions if they are looking to improve their game and step into the competitive scene. Master all of the tier 1 and tier 2 champions and you will be a serious force to be reckoned with.

Tier 3 – These champions are still very viable on SR but are simply out done by tier 1 and tier 2 champions. They can still compete with all of them but as far as viable line ups go these won’t be the champions you’re going to ban or first pick in any draft mode. These are your 4th 5th picks in your line up to complement your line up or effectively counter the other teams picks. These champions are still very viable overall but just aren’t champions you will strive to pick or have in your line up all the time.

Tier 4 – These champions don’t fill the roles of the champions above them as good as they do. They really aren’t thought of other than your last pick to add a special extra something to your line up. Extra burst, extra utility, or that 1 more support champ you think you will make your line up that much better. Generally they really aren’t sought after picks in a competitive line up but they can still be played viably but are the bottom of the barrel in terms of competitive picks.

Hard to place on a team – These champions I find aren’t as good as others in terms of competitive picks. They don’t really help or add anything game changing to you line up or anything you would really want on a competitive team imo. They are all fine champions for solo queue for the most part but in terms of a 5v5 tournament draft mode I wouldn’t expect to see any of these champions there. They are simply out done by other champions who do their roles better than they do.

Feel free to ask questions about my list and I will do my best to reason why X champion is in X tier. I also encourage you to convince me I am wrong and move a champion up or down a tier accordingly. I will post the changes if or when I make them in edits in this post.

*—–* CHANGE LOG *—–*

Udyr moved up in tier 2 – Due to the buffs he recieved to his DPS he’s being moved up a bit. He can put out a lot more DPS now which is just awesome and he clears the jungle a bit faster.

Nunu moved up in tier 3 - Nunu’s jungle control is actually very impressive. He can clear the whole thing and start to gank before a lot of other junglers can while doing it at almost full HP. He’s very safe, and very fast, and an excellent early game ganker. Because of this he’s being moved up a bit. He’s become a little more viable since all those nerfs went out and started to get noticed a bit. He’s also one of the few champions who can do Dragon early now as well which is a massive advantage having him on your team for that.

Vladimir moved up in tier 2 – The new items boosted his damage output and survivability so naturally he’s going to move up a bit.

Kennen moved down to tier 2 – The new items DIDN’T boost his damage output but did increase his survivability a bit but I really feel like the Zhonya’s change really hurt Kennen. I feel he’s not as viable and not a tier 1 pick anymore because of this. Still good, just not tier 1 worthy anymore.

Sion moved up in tier 2 – The new items boosted his damage output and survivability just like it did with Vlad so naturally he’s going to move up a bit.

Veigar moved down to tier 4 - I’ve tried playing a few games with Veigar and I’ve watched a few people try and play him successfully but he just has too many issue’s in his design that make him not a sought after caster imo. He takes too much farm, he’s too squishy, and he needs level’s because ALL of his skills need to be leveled to play him successfully which means he needs levels. Having him take away a solo lane vs other casters you could pick that have much better early and mid games isn’t worth it. He’s a late game caster basically when other casters can do almost as much as he can late game while being much more viable early and mid.

Trundle moved down to tier 4 - He’s a pretty good jungler but I just don’t see him being picked over other junglers. They all just offer more utility and control. Because of this he will be moving down.

Swain moved to tier 3 - Swain is AMAZING! .. IF he gets the right team to play against. Because of all the nerfs that went out to these amazing laning champions he’s more viable now. He’s amazing vs Melee champions and a few other champions as well. If you give him the right match up he will do very well. Problem is with other match up’s in lanes he’s not going to win in is that he’s very farm dependent is all. He really needs to get some good farm going if he’s going to be viable. So as long as you make sure you have the correct match up with him he’s viable. If you don’t do this, you’re screwed!

LeBlanc moved to tier 3 - Her burst is extremely high on single targets and if played vs the right setup she can be devastating. Just like Swain though it needs to be right. She’s a champ that really needs to snowball in order to wtfpwn. It’s possible just as long you set it up right and burst the right targets. I was most likely too harsh after her nerfing but at the same time there were a lot of OP champions at that time so that’s probably why she got overlooked. Lot’s of champions are seeming more viable since that last patch.

Blitzcrank moved up to tier 3 – He’s actually a pretty dang good counter jungler and can do some pretty clutch moves and combos. Again with all the tanky DPS nerfs that went out and his little W buff that doesn’t slow him down anymore he became quite a bit more viable to fill those roles now.

Yi moved down to tier 4 – I feel Yi is just a pub stomper TBH. I don’t think he’s a viable choice for competitive play. He just doesn’t offer enough it seems. I feel he’s a champion that HAS TO GET KILLS EARLY or some sort of massive lead to be viable. If you don’t get some good snowball kills to get your farm ahead of the others I feel he just doesn’t cut it in team fights. I may be wrong but for the last 3-4 months this is how I’ve experienced Yi. He’s a glass cannon that seems to not do enough cannoning and be little too glassy. AP Yi seems to be the only way to play him where you can survive long enough while being focused.

Caitlyn put into hard to place – It’s not because she’s really that bad, it’s just that she’s not that good compared to the other 40 DPS carries we have. I feel she requires some love before she will become viable. Her Q is lacking mid and late game which is her main DPS tool, and her ultimate is very poor as well. Until she gets some stuff tweaked she won’t be a strong pick in competitive play imo. She’s almost viable, just came shy of it, needs a little love is all.


How to be a pro jungler

Today I will give you some tips of how to be a top player in jungle.

First I want to say, why you send someone to jungle?
1-You have 1 more solo lane. So 1 guy higher level then a dual lane.
2-Jungler can gank everylane and give you an early advantage.
3-Some heros can't farm right on a lane so jungle is a good way to let him farm.

Then lets see what heros can jungle. With smite and the proper runes, almost everyhero can jungle. But, who are the best junglers?

Akali: Nice Spell Vamp to heal, and good gank at level 6.
Amumu: Not viable on lane, but nice ganks since level 3 and easy jungler with W.
Evelyn: Really fast jungler and one of the best gankers in jungle.
Master Yi: Good ganks with lizard and really fast jungle.
Nunu: Fast jungler and good hero to make fast drake. Also he good a powerfull slow for ganks.
Olaf: Nice life steal for jungle and good ganks with axe.
Rammus: W is too strong to jungle, and 1 of the best gankers.
Shaco: Fast jungler and very good movility to gank and steal jungler of the enemie.
Shen: Slow jungle but not a bad gank. Only viable if you got better solo laners.
Warwick: Amazing life steal, you never lose HP, and also, nice ganks with lizard, and at level 6.

Other junglers: Cho'Gath, Mundo, FiddleSticks, Gragas, Malphite, Nasus, Trundle, Tryndamere, Udyr, XinZhao.

What runes are the best? Every jungle should take different runes, for example, the Tank junglers should go with Red and Yellow Armor flat, and blue Mana Reg/lvl or CD reduction or MR flat. Heros like Shaco and Olaf and Warwick, Red runes of Attack speed are good on them. Quints almost always HP flat. Armor flat are also good, and some heros can jungle with AP flat too.

What Masteries should I take? It depends on what jungler you are. The Tank junglers should go with something like: 1-16-13, or 1-21-8. The offensive junglers (Shaco, Master Yi, Akali...) should go with 21-0-9.

What should I buy at level 1?A good way to jungle, is to start with Cloth Armor and potions. Also 1 ward and 2 potions are also good, but only viable in good junglers with huge life steal. For some Tank junglers, Doran Shield and potion is also fine, and for some Offensive junglers, Doran Sword is fine.

Where should I start the jungle? It depends, if you are a good jungler but you need your spells for the jungle (Warwick, Rammus, Amumu...) then you should start at Ancient Golem, who gives you a BlueBuff with huge mana regen. Other junglers can start on the 2 little golems. You get level 2 there and now you go to wraiths, and wolves.

How much damange does Smite? Before with some magic resist it was really hard to do it well. Now, neutral minions got 0 MR so it does 420 + 25/level.

How does the jungle work? Small camps of minions (Wraiths, wolves and little golems) spawns at 1:39. Ancient Golem and Lizard Elder spawns at 1.55. Dragon spawns at: 2:30. Baron Nashor at 15:00.

Name             Respawn         Health                    Gold       Experience 
Giant Wolf      100 seconds     550                       25           90 
Wolf               100 seconds     400                       16           50 
Golem             100 seconds     800                      30           140 
Wraith             100 seconds     350                      35           120 
Lesser Wraith  100 seconds     220                      12           20 
Ancient Golem 5 minutes          1450 + 175         60            220 
Young Lizard   5 minutes          350                     10            30 
Lizard Elder     5 minutes          1450 + 175         60            200 
Dragon            6 minutes          3250 + 220         90            265 
Baron Nashor  8 minutes          8852 + 125 every 1 min 250 900  

Gold and Experience from killing Baron Nashor is granted to every member of your team. Gold from killing Dragon is granted to every member of your team. Drake gives 190 global gold to the team.

After Baron Nashor is slain, all living players on the team gain a buff that lasts 2.30 with the following attributes:
40 Ability Power
40 Damage
3% of your Max Health in Health Regeneration
1% of your Max Mana in Mana Regeneration

Ancient Golem, gives to the killer a Blue Buff: Mana regen and CD reduction. Elder Lizard gives to the kills Red Buff: slows (10/20/30)% for melee characters and only (5/10/15)% for ranged characters, and does some Damange per second. Killing this champion will transfer the buff to you.

That's all for today.
Made by aranae 


My favorite Custom Skins!

Here I wrote my favorite custom skins. How to install em? Easy:
1. Download the skin (it will be called "Champion".dds)
2. Go to \Riot Games\League of Legends\game\DATA\
3. Make a new folder called "Characters"
4. In that folder, make a new folder with the name of the original skin of the champion (you can find the orginal skin names here)
5. In that folder, paste the "Champion.dds" skin

Akali Tomb Raider
Amumu Darth Vader
Anivia Macaw
Annie Drake or Annie Tibbers
Ashe Link
Blitzcrank Ironman
Caitlyn Starcraft
Cho'Gath BalRog
Dr.Mundo Christmas
Ezreal Kingdom Hearts
Fiddlesticks Ketchup
Galio Batman
Gangplank Anchor
Garen Death Knight
Gragas Obelix
Heimerdinger Mars Attack
Janna Shiva
Jax Panda
Karthus Dead
Kassadin Starcraft and Darth Kassadin
Katarina Tomb Raider
Kayle Tyrael and Kayle Paladin
Kennen Toon Link
Kog'Maw Yoshi and Kog'Maw Hextech and Kog'Maw Tropic
Lux SteamPunk
Malzahar Starcraft Protoss
Miss Fortune Corsair
Mordekaiser Dullahan
Morgana Starcraft Kerrigan
Nasus Wolf
Nidalee Snow
Nunu Cait Sith FF7
Olaf Brolaf
Pantheon Batman
Poppy White Knight
Rammus Ninja Turtle
Ryze Kratos
Shaco Harlequin
Shen Sonic Hedgehog
Singed SteamPunk
Sivir WOW
Soraka Robot Unicorn
Swan Commissar
Taric TRON
Teemo Astronaut and Teemo Sidekick Robin
Tryndamere Cloud FF7 and Tryndamere Burger King
Twisted Fate Gentleman
Udyr Force of Nature
Twitch Smooth Criminal
Veigar Vivi FFIX
Vladimir Sephiroth
Warwick Snow
Xin Zhao Chinese

Solo Queue Tier List

o due to people misunderstanding my list and taking it the wrong way etc.. Also due to some popular demand and a self-realization that I should have probably done this a long time ago. Here comes my Solo Queue Tier List!

This list will compile all the champions into tiers that I will explain later in the post. This is about how great of a champion they can be in solo queue and how well they can be played overall. This list isn’t about “picks” or drafting. It’s about how good a champion is in Solo Queue. I emphasize Solo Queue because Draft Mode 5v5 is a lot different and they should have two separate lists. This list will be mostly revolving around how good a champion is at Soloing, Jungling, Early game,Mid game, and team fighting ability. It will have almost nothing to do with Late Game which 90% of competitive games go to. Majority of solo queue games end between 20 and 30 minutes. So this is what this list will be focusing on.

DISCLAIMER! – Now remember everyone. This is just an OPINION and nothing else. Take it with a grain of salt and remember not to flame anyone in-game over me or my lists!

SOLO QUEUE ADVICE – Always remember to build a balanced team that is strong in all 5 aspects of the game. Get two strong solo’s, a strong duo lane, and a strong jungler and your chances of winning will increase drastically! If you’re not 1st or 2nd pick please pick accordingly to the rest of your team. Communication in pregame chat is the key to success! If you have an AD and an AP carry then the remaining roles of Tank, Support, and Jungle need to be filled! It’s the best way to become a great League of Legends player by having a well rounded group of champions you can play! Master all aspects of the game and not just one!

* Tier 1 - Pantheon, Sivir, Vlad, Corki, Rammus, Eve, Nidalee, Shaco, Sion, Janna, Xin Zhao, Kassadin, Akali, Warwick, Cho’Gath

* Tier 2 - Ashe, Tristana, Udyr, Shen, Kennen, Kog’Maw, Annie, Zilean, Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Malphite, Nunu, Morgana, Anivia, Teemo, Mundo, Urgot, Malzahar, Gangplank, Ryze, Karthus.

* Tier 3 - Blitzcrank, Gragas, Kayle, Lux, Alistar, Fiddlesticks, Poppy, Master Yi, Galio, Singed, Olaf, Amumu, Swain, Leblanc, Taric, Sona, Soraka, Heimerdinger.

* Tier 4 – Twisted Fate, Irelia, Veigar, Tyrndamere, Katarina, Caitlyn, Nasus, Morde, Twitch, Jax, Trundle, Garen, Casseopia


Tier 1 – These champions are at the top of this list for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason being you can actually carry a team with them. In League of Legends its very hard to be a “true” carry as this game if very team oriented. If you’ve ever played a 4v5 you’ll know what I am talking about as it’s literally impossible to win. So I find these champions in Tier 1 lane VERY well in terms of being able to kill creeps well, harassing the enemy champion, and survivability. For the junglers in tier 1 it’s because they control the jungle well, and do it safely. Also gank well and if get fed can actually carry games themselves. All these champions have great early games for the most part and just continuously get stronger as the game goes on. These are the pub stomp kings of the game in my eyes currently.

Tier 2 – These champions like tier 1 champions are great laners, and are great to have on your team in Solo Queue. They just don’t carry as hard as other champions in tier 1 I find. Their early game laning power can be almost equal to the strength of tier 1 champions but I find the tier 2 champions to be slightly weaker than these tier 1 champions in terms of how hard you can carry a solo queue game with them. They are still the creme of the crop in Solo Queue and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Tier 3 – These champions I find to be great 3rd, 4th, or 5th picks on a team. They are 100% viable but these champions generally aren’t as strong in lane as tier 1 and tier 2 champions and often take the Duo lane as they aren’t as strong as solo’s. A few of them in this tier can stand toe to toe to a lot of tier 1 and 2 champions in a Solo lane but I find they just aren’t sought after as “great” Solo Queue solo laners. These champs are all 100% viable in solo queue. I just find them to be slightly weaker than tier 2 champions in Solo Queue.

Tier 4 – Now tier 4 is a tricky tier I find. These champs are all 100% viable for Solo Queue. If someone says they play a great X champion in tier 4 than you can let them solo or play that champion. These champions are simply tier 4 because they require a lot more farm I find than other champions to reach that “carry status” in Solo Queue. These champions are usually played by people who love these champions for their design and play style so usually people who play these champions I find aren’t bad players at all so letting them play these champions sometime is a good choice. These champions problem isn’t poor laning or really anything other than they require a lot more effort to be good at and a lot more skill to do well on is all. They’re all fun champions and I suggest you give them a whirl and try them out!

DISCLAIMER! – Now remember everyone. This is just an OPINION and nothing else. Take it with a grain of salt and remember not to flame anyone in-game over me or my lists!

SOLO QUEUE ADVICE – Always remember to build a balanced team that is strong in all 5 aspects of the game. Get two strong solo’s, a strong duo lane, and a strong jungler and your chances of winning will increase drastically! If you’re not 1st or 2nd pick please pick accordingly to the rest of your team. Communication in pregame chat is the key to success! If you have an AD and an AP carry then the remaining roles of Tank, Support, and Jungle need to be filled! It’s the best way to become a great League of Legends player by having a well-rounded group of champions you can play! Master all aspects of the game and not just one!

Message for the Community – So I find this list MUCH harder to put champions into tiers without being a bit biased. This is a new list so it will most likely be inaccurate to start off so bear with me while I perfect it!

So this is what I am going to ask of the community. If you have a suggestion on a champion placement please structure it in a respectful and logical way. Posts like “I owned with Tryn like 22-0 last game he should be higher! You’re dumb as shit Elementz!” Will simply be ignored as you’re not helping make this list better, rather taking a personal shot at me. I realize I am protective of my opinion and it is hard for me to change my mind but I still encourage you to try and make this the best Solo Queue Tier List there for the community!

———————– CHANGE LOG! ———————

Cho’Gath moved down in tier 1 - Still strong but the Meta is shifting away from tanks owning the lane up a bit + his passive laning staying power got nerfed a bit. Still an incredibly powerful solo lane champion though.

Gangplank moved up to tier 2 – I underestimated how good deny can be if you have a smart jungler and how much is owns solo queue. Deny a lane, have your jungler gank it all day long and it makes it a living hell for whoever you’re vs.

Sona moved down to tier 3 - CDR boots helped her out a bit but still dropping down in viability compared to other supports.

Nidalee moved to tier 1 - She’s incredibly strong in lane and now that these new AP items have come up “mainly deathcap” she heals and damages for a lot more.

Kennen moved down to tier 2 - He’s forced to get 3 items now instead of 2 to have the same effect he did before. He requires too much farm and effort it seems now so his viability has dropped.

Vlad moved up in tier 1 - New items are great for him. People fail to know how to counter him and setup the right champions vs him in lane. He’s good because people don’t know how to counter him in solo queue + he’s a pretty good champion overall anyways. Hence him moving up a bit in tier 1.

Sivir moved to tier 1 - She’s just an amazing carry. She has everything she needs at her disposal. Hence her moving up to tier 1.

Shen moved up tier 2 - I am finding those ultimate saves to be game changing sometimes. Lots of times when you save someone you’ll get a kill out of it as well so you actually end up snowballing because of Shen’s ultimate. It makes him farmed and whoever you save more farmed. This making it easier to carry with Shen.

Warwick moved down in tier 1 - Some champs are just more viable now. He has less control over dragon now and still doesn’t gank as good as other champions early. Amazing mid and late game when he has kept up with farm though. Supression is still king.

Urgot moved to tier 2 - Those latest buffs have really done wonders for our crabman abomination. He’s a great anti carry and chaser as well. Urgot’s moving up in the world!

Nunu moved to tier 2 - His ability to jungle and survive so safely while also proving ganks throughout the entire laning phase is just great. He’s also moving up in the world!

Zilean moved up in tier 2 - Even if you suck, your passive helps your whole team haha. No but bomb harass and if you manage to correctly ultimate the right person every team fight it makes for some stupid good plays. Zilean can provide a lot of carrying power for a team. So he’s moving up.

Blitzcrank moved up in tier 3 - Counter jungle and just the ability to run around and mess shit up for players is quite awesome. He’s also a pretty good tanky DPS. You can get items like Manamune, Banshees, Frozen heart and have a massive shield that tanks damage along with dealing a lot more DPS.

New Champion time! – Caitlyn is a solid tier 4 currently. She’s not amazing but when played well she can really shine if that makes sense haha. She’s just very hard to use and keep up with other carries at the moment because she’s a little underpowered. If you manage to get ahead though she can be decent. Her laning ability is pretty strong as well just her mid and late game feel pretty lacking.


These are my changes on my Solo Queue tier list that will hopefully soon be very accurate! Again bare with me as I observe the game and try and put the best Solo Queue guide together for you guys!

So I will continue to update this list just as I update my 5v5 Draft Mode list as well. Come back and check out my updates! Thanks for reading and remember everyone champion is viable in solo queue. It’s the player who really controls their fate in the game, not the champion they control. Enjoy the game to its fullest Summoners!

How to be Top Elo in... 5on5 premade!

Have you ever played vs a team and accused them of using cheats? How can they farm so much? How can they always know where you are? If any of these questions ever popped up in your mind, keep reading!

Let's start talking about the picks. In a setup, you should have: 1 Tank, 1 Support, 1 AP, 1 Carry. Then the 5th guy should fit in your setup or counter the other setup. Top lane is always solo. Mid solo, bot dual-lane, and 1 jungler (Why top solo and not bot? Drake is important, and you will take the first teamfight for him, or at least you will try to do it before your enemy). A tank should go Top, mid or jungle. The support always goes bot. AD carries better lane at bot with the support, but he can also go mid, or even top. An AP carry should go top or mid. In Europe, the most used is Tank top, AP mid, Carry + Support bot, and one offtank jungling. You can also try Top and Mid with 2 AP heros, and let the jungle for a tank.

Best tanks for solo lane? Malphite, Shen, Cho'Gath and Gragas.
Best AP for solo lane? Vladimir, Kassadin, Anivia, Kennen, Malzahar, Morgana, Twisted Fate, Swain, Karthus.
Best AD carry? Ashe, MF, Sivir, Corki, Tristana, Kog'maw, Pantheon and probably Caitlyn.
Best support? Janna, Taric, Sona, Soraka, Zilean.
Best jungler? Evelyn, Rammus, Amumu, Shaco, Warwick.

Lets explain the laning phase a little bit: You must focus on the Last-Hit. Dont do auto attacks for pushing if your enemy is waiting for you. He can let you push, waiting for a gank of the jungler. Then if you die, he outfarms and outlevels you. You should train your Last-Hitting really hard. It's the 1st step to be a good player in this game. In bot lane, the farm should be for the carry. Support doesn't need much farming.

The supports objective is to buy wards, and items for the team (Aegis, SoulShroud, Shurelia..). You have to control always the Drake, and after minute 18/20, the Nashor. Taking a Drake means: 190 gold / player of you team, and experience for you allies near your champion. That is almost 1000 gold. For the first minutes, that is SO much. In the late game it's not that much. You can also ward enemy's golem/lizard to steal them. If you steal a golem from Anivia/Kassadin/Malzahar, he will be so fucked.

For the first minute of the game. You can go all together to the enemy's jungle to steal their golem/lizard. Always tank first for if you take the fight at level 1. In that level, any hero is a good focus. Just try to focus him with everything you have. Even a tank in that levels is weak.

Other thing I will say is that, I always prefer a setup with a good initiator. Which heros are good initiators? Ashe, Malphite, Amumu, Rammus, Anivia, Morgana, Malzahar, Warwick, Gragas...

And the last tip I will give to you is... train hard and get experience.

Good luck in your games, and have fun.
Made by aranae