
IvyLoL Beta Season!

Hey guys, here is another update regarding IvyLoL, the best collegiate League of Legends play that can be found anywhere! For those of you who have not heard of IvyLoL before, it is a recently created LoL league specially for college students. Teams are formed by several players at a school in order to compete against teams from other schools in a variety of ways, including scrimmages, league play and tournaments. A pre-season tournament was just wrapped up a few days ago that pitted over 90 teams against eachother Swiss style, meaning that all teams played 6 best of 1 matches, and the sixteen teams with the best overall records were then seeded into a bracket-style best of 3 tournament. A team from the University of California - Irvine ended up coming out on top, with them and the rest of the top 8 teams winning some fantastic prizes courtesy of Riot. A replay of the final match, casted by Tnomad and Doublelift, can be found here.

 However, that was just a precursor to the big event coming up this week: the IvyLoL Beta Season! In this inaugural collegiate LoL season, teams will have one game each week, including a classic Summoner's Rift game and a Dominion game on the Crystal Scar. A feature that I find especially awesome is the fact that each school can have more than one team, making it so that no one gets left out of the action and everyone gets an equal chance to play some real competitive League of Legends. Teams will be arranged into divisions based on geography, and approximately 80% of a team's game will be played within the division. The teams in each division that finish with the best records will then participate in a big tournament at the end of the season to determine who the IvyLoL Beta-Season champion is, which will bring in some nice prizes like the past two IvyLoL tournaments. Full details of the Beta Season can be found here.

 So if you are a college student looking to be a part of some competitive League of Legends action, go sign up at ivylol.com right now! The deadline is Sunday October 9th!

 EDIT: If you are looking for other players from your school and they aren't responding to you in-game, try going to the IvyLoL Recruitment Thread on reddit here.


The Power Of Teh Stunlock!


Team Battle Lee Sin 2

Solo Queue Tier List updated

*Tier 1 - Morgana, Karthus, Lee Sin, Brand, Akali, Kassadin,Caitlyn, Kennen, Nocturne, Garen, Fiddlesticks, Annie, Irelia, Casseopia, Renekton, Cho'Gath, Ashe, Vayne, Gangplank, Vlad, Malzahar, Rumble, Singed, Pantheon,Soraka,Twisted Fate, Amumu, Nidalee

* Tier 2 - Orianna, Tristana, Teemo, Taric, Alistar, Udyr, Urgot, Tryndamere, Kog’Maw, Talon, Corki, Ryze, Jax, Nasus,Xin Zhao, Mordekaiser, Shaco, Maokai, Rammus, Sion, Lux, Zilean, Gragas, Warwick, Trundle, Galio, Miss Fortune, Janna, Ezreal, Anivia, Mundo

* Tier 3 – Leblanc, Kayle, Blitzcrank,Jarvan IV, Master Yi, Malphite, Yorick, Wukong, Olaf, Swain, Nunu, Sona, Poppy, Shen

* Tier 4 – Sivir, Riven, Veigar, Leona, Katarina, Skarner, Twitch, Karma, Heimerdinger,Eve

Tier 1 - These champions are at the top of this list for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason being you can actually carry a team with them. In League of Legends its very hard to be a “true” carry as this game if very team oriented. If you’ve ever played a 4v5 you’ll know what I am talking about as it’s literally impossible to win. So I find these champions in Tier 1 lane VERY well in terms of being able to kill creeps well, harassing the enemy champion, and survivability. For the junglers in tier 1 it’s because they control the jungle well, and do it safely. Also gank well and if get fed can actually carry games themselves. All these champions have great early games for the most part and just continuously get stronger as the game goes on. These are the pub stomp kings of the game in my eyes currently.

Tier 2 - These champions like tier 1 champions are great laners, and are great to have on your team in Solo Queue. They just don’t carry as hard as other champions in tier 1 I find. Their early game laning power can be almost equal to the strength of tier 1 champions but I find the tier 2 champions to be slightly weaker than these tier 1 champions in terms of how hard you can carry a solo queue game with them. They are still the creme of the crop in Solo Queue and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Tier 3 - These champions I find to be great 3rd, 4th, or 5th picks on a team. They are 100% viable but these champions generally aren’t as strong in lane as tier 1 and tier 2 champions and often take the Duo lane as they aren’t as strong as solo’s. A few of them in this tier can stand toe to toe to a lot of tier 1 and 2 champions in a Solo lane but I find they just aren’t sought after as “great” Solo Queue solo laners. These champs are all 100% viable in solo queue. I just find them to be slightly weaker than tier 2 champions in Solo Queue.

Tier 4 - Now tier 4 is a tricky tier I find. These champs are all 100% viable for Solo Queue. If someone says they play a great X champion in tier 4 than you can let them solo or play that champion. These champions are simply tier 4 because they require a lot more farm I find than other champions to reach that “carry status” in Solo Queue. These champions are usually played by people who love these champions for their design and play style so usually people who play these champions I find aren’t bad players at all so letting them play these champions sometime is a good choice. These champions problem isn’t poor laning or really anything other than they require a lot more effort to be good at and a lot more skill to do well on is all. They’re all fun champions and I suggest you give them a whirl and try them out!

Change Log

Orianna moved down to tier 2 -

Gangplank moved down in tier 1 - 

Udyr moved down to tier 2 - 

Alistar moved down to tier 2 - 

Corki moved down to tier 2- 

Soraka moved down in tier 1 - 

Karthus moved up in tier 1 - 

Mordekaiser moved down to tier 2 - 

Warwick moved down to tier 2 -

Jarvan moved down to tier 3 - 

Yorick moved down to tier 3 - 

Kassadin moved up to tier 1 - 

Lee Sin moved up to tier 1 - 

Caitlyn moved up to tier 1 - 

Swain moved down to tier 3 - 

Kennen moved up to tier 1 - 

Garen moved up to tier 1 - 

Morgana moved up to tier 1 - 

Rammus moved up to tier 2 -

Tryndamere moved up to tier 2 - 

Nasus moved up to tier 2 - 

Pantheon moved up to tier 1 -

Galio moved up to tier 2 - 

Kayle moved up to tier 3 - 

Nidalee moved down in tier 1 - 

Leblanc moved down to tier 3 -


Riven - Placed into tier 4 

Talon - Placed into tier 2 

Skarner - Placed into tier 4


The Two New Champs Coming Out

From the November 2011 issue of PC Gamer comes pictures of...

Riven: "The Shattered Exile"

 "It's never too late for redemption. This former Noxian soldier has forsaken her malevolent compatriots on a quest for self-discovery, wielding a shattered sword to remind her of the fractured world she left behind. Her high-mobility playstyle is reminiscent of arcade fighters, with the ability to combo skills in quick succession for maximum damage. When she gets her ultimate, people will die: her sword reforms to unlock its full power, sending massive energy waves crackling through the air with each slice."

 Plus her pretty hot sword:


Magus: "The Magus Ascendant"

"This caster champ, a being of pure energy, perfectly captures the feeling of uncontrollable power. He charges up energy with each spellcast, temporarily increasing the damage and cost of subsequent spells. Playing him will be a tricky balancing act between knowing when to open the floodgates and pour out your damage, and when you're better off taking the slow-and-steady route"

 The main image of Magus as a white ghost with armor and chains is his "super-charged" form, while the bottom shield-like image is his "low-energy" form.


How to Prepare for Season 2 + Riot Singed Gameplay

Guys! Dorian here! Back from a long Vacation camping and shiz... then I upgraded my PC so now I am back and ready to Blog and Vlog is up more than ever!

I decided since I was gone for so long I would do kind of a Update video about how to prepare for Season 2!

If you would like to see a specific champion/hero in the next Commentary leave your choice in the comments below!

Send all LOL Record clips you would like in a Community LOL Frag Video here : deathcab4dorian@gmail.com

Clips being accepted - LOL Replay Files only. Penta Kills, Jukes, Sick Kills, Baron steals, etc etc....If you have already been featured in a movie like this please still send it in, I will be doing allot of editing on this video and It will not look like any video it has been in before!

Thanks again everyone and I hope you enjoy! Please remember to Like if you Like it! And to Subscribe if you haven't already and you want to see more of ma shiz!!


PS There Is Part 2, it is only about a minute long make sure you stick around to finish it you! Click HERE for Part 2!


Jungle Tier List - Talon Era update!!

Tier 1 - Udyr, Lee Sin, Trundle, Nocturne, Warwick, Fiddlesticks,Cho Gath
Tier 2- Xin Zhao,Gangplank,Amumu, Nunu,Jarvan,Maokai, Master Yi
Tier 3 - Olaf, Tryndamere, Yorick, Shaco, Shen, Gragas, Skarner, Alistar, Malphite
Tier 4 - Akali, Rammus, Irelia, Dr Mundo, Sion, Renekton, Mordekaiser,
Tier 5 - Karthus, Pantheon,Karma, Nasus, Taric, Wukong, Evelynn, Orianna, Jax, Talon

Tier 1 – The best at what they do. Some are the purist of
control junglers or the fiercest of gankers and some are versatile enough to do
both. Whatever the case these are the best in terms of jungling – they far and
beyond exceed several or all aspects of jungling and have an indisputable
strength about them.

Tier 2 – These junglers are the strongest after the gods. They usually excel
at most of the aspects of jungling and are far and beyond in one or two. They
have fewer weaknesses than most other junglers and may have a niche ability
unique to them. When you want to excel at jungling – you come to these first.

Tier 3- These junglers are very similar to Tier 2 heroes. They are so
similar that they’re basically interchangeable and are very capable of
competing with tier 2 junglers. The only reason they are in a separate bracket
is due to them being not as well rounded or someone above them is their
superior mirror. Also for organization purposes.

Tier 4- These junglers are weaker than the other junglers either due to
naturally just not being suitable for the jungle or having to alter their
optimal builds in order to jungle successfully. At the same time there are
others above who are simply miles better and they bring nothing really unique
to jungling. They’re usually prone to being dominated by stronger junglers.

Tier 5- A special tier graded differently than the others. The junglers here
CAN jungle but they usually have to impact their standard builds in interesting
ways in order to successfully do so. Either the impact is minor, but
noticeable, or major and could affect them later into the game. Placement is
also a bit wishy washy.

Alright let’s explain a few things

Nocturne – he went above Warwick
because at the moment he just does a lot more than Warwick does. Probably should have raised him
up before and I may have to drop Warwick
a bit more.

Yorick – Still very niche but more effective than I
initially gave him credit for. It’s a pretty all or nothing jungler.

Nunu – pretty much he was strong because his slow as
overpowered and now without it (and his stronger consume) he’s pretty much
incapable of doing a lot of stuff he used to be able to do. He’s looking less
and less spectacular. Only reason he didn’t drop more was because Jarvan’s been
getting weaker and thus I don’t know how far others will surpass them both.

Skarner – I initially thought he was total crap but seeing
more builds with him gave him more points into the build score (as it’s no
longer an outlandish build for him) and he does have some good, but not unique,
traits for the jungle. He’s nothing special but not terribly bad. He just
doesn’t stand out. He didn’t pass Gragas since they’re pretty much the same but
Gragas has a slight edge due to steroids and build malleability.

New Champion – Talon

Lol no…

I may add Soraka but I’m betting they’re going to butcher

AP Gragas Tutorial and Commentary

Hope you guys learn something! This one is a bit longer and more in depth, but I tried to also make it entertaining


SK got some Drama going on!

Hey guys just wanted to give you this statement and our(my) point of view

So first of all the decision that wetdream is out was decided AFTER we lost IEM.

For a a team like SK, that is quite a big name, its a shame to not go through groupstage and obviously they were quite mad.

Since ocelote is quite close with SK and played for them several years SK spoke with ocelote first and informed him that this is unacceptable, before talking with the all of us togheter.

About all the money thing its quite a big story but I will give my statement to this since its quite important to understand the situation.

Some people of our team, including wetdream, wanted salary gear and laptops etc before we even proved ANYTHING.
These people wanted -->600<-- salary per month which is insane.
Thats, to not tell any numbers, more then double the amount other top teams get.

When SK said us they wont give us some of us went completly insane, and wanted to leave the team immediatley.

Falli, our manager, wrote SK an email we leave SK because other teams make a better offer.

They couldnt even react to make a counter offer.
Thankfully we could stay in SK and we made a deal that we would get a reasonable salary and gear if we do good at Gamescom since until after Gamescom we didnt prove anything, we didnt prove that were a good team, just that we qualified for 2 important tournaments.

So after we were out it was quite understandable that SK wont give us all the stuff they said since it was a disaster IEM for them.

So thats how it was and thats why some people including wetdream wanted to leave SK.

In my opinion im with Ocelote we didnt prove anything so why would they give us more then other topteams, that would be completly retarded.

Also thats why I prefered staying in SK then leaving them with Wetdream.
Wetdream is a nice guy and for sure we didnt kick him because he brings bad mood to the team but the reason why he had to leave was simple.

SK saw him as the reason we lost IEM and so he had to go or we all had to go.

Personally I would have prefered to just stick in SK as we are right now to improve but there was no way we could do that so it went this way.

Also I think wetdream got more time now for his website which will grow bigger so its not as bad.
About all the stuff like ocelote being a two faced person or other private things wetdream wrote about in his statement I can just say that this is really unnecressary and just unprofessonal.

Its just going mad and has nothing to do with the team or SK, so I wont comment that. Anyway thats my opinion on this whole situation

thanks randomnoob :*


My thoughts on this.

I don't think it's the right choice for them to boot WetDream out as working together as a team and improving it a much better choice. If you're constantly breaking up and picking up new members it's very hard to play great as a team. Oh well, that's SK's choice overall, and maybe it will work out for them and maybe it won't.


Solo Queue Tier List - Wukong

This list will compile all the champions into tiers that I will explain later in the post. This is about how great of a champion they can be in solo queue and how well they can be played overall. This list isn’t about “picks” or drafting. It’s about how good a champion is in Solo Queue. I emphasize Solo Queue because Draft Mode 5v5 is a lot different and they should have two separate lists. This list will be mostly revolving around how good a champion is at Soloing, Jungling, Early game,Mid game, and team fighting ability. It will have almost nothing to do with Late Game which 90% of competitive games go to. Majority of solo queue games end between 25 and 35 minutes. So this is what this list will be focusing on.

*Tier 1 - Orianna, Gangplank, Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Annie, Alistar, Corki, Brand, Akali, Nidalee, Soraka, Karthus, Nocturne, Mordekaiser, Irelia,Casseopia, Renekton, Warwick, Cho'Gath, Jarvan IV, Ashe,Vayne, Vlad, Malzahar, Rumble, Singed, Twisted Fate, Amumu, Yorick

* Tier 2 - Tristana, Teemo, Kassadin,Lee Sin, Taric, Caitlyn, Urgot, Kog’Maw, Swain, Ryze, Jax, Kennen, Xin Zhao, Garen, Shaco, Maokai, Sion, Lux, Zilean, Gragas, Trundle, Miss Fortune, Janna,Leblanc, Ezreal, Anivia, Mundo

* Tier 3 – Blitzcrank, Morgana, Master Yi, Malphite, Wukong, Olaf, Rammus, Nunu, Tryndamere, Sona, Poppy, Shen

* Tier 4 – Sivir, Veigar, Nasus, Leona, Katarina, Pantheon, Kayle, Twitch, Galio, Karma, Heimerdinger,Eve

Tier 1 - These champions are at the top of this list for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason being you can actually carry a team with them. In League of Legends its very hard to be a “true” carry as this game if very team oriented. If you’ve ever played a 4v5 you’ll know what I am talking about as it’s literally impossible to win. So I find these champions in Tier 1 lane VERY well in terms of being able to kill creeps well, harassing the enemy champion, and survivability. For the junglers in tier 1 it’s because they control the jungle well, and do it safely. Also gank well and if get fed can actually carry games themselves. All these champions have great early games for the most part and just continuously get stronger as the game goes on. These are the pub stomp kings of the game in my eyes currently.

Tier 2 - These champions like tier 1 champions are great laners, and are great to have on your team in Solo Queue. They just don’t carry as hard as other champions in tier 1 I find. Their early game laning power can be almost equal to the strength of tier 1 champions but I find the tier 2 champions to be slightly weaker than these tier 1 champions in terms of how hard you can carry a solo queue game with them. They are still the creme of the crop in Solo Queue and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Tier 3 - These champions I find to be great 3rd, 4th, or 5th picks on a team. They are 100% viable but these champions generally aren’t as strong in lane as tier 1 and tier 2 champions and often take the Duo lane as they aren’t as strong as solo’s. A few of them in this tier can stand toe to toe to a lot of tier 1 and 2 champions in a Solo lane but I find they just aren’t sought after as “great” Solo Queue solo laners. These champs are all 100% viable in solo queue. I just find them to be slightly weaker than tier 2 champions in Solo Queue.

Tier 4 - Now tier 4 is a tricky tier I find. These champs are all 100% viable for Solo Queue. If someone says they play a great X champion in tier 4 than you can let them solo or play that champion. These champions are simply tier 4 because they require a lot more farm I find than other champions to reach that “carry status” in Solo Queue. These champions are usually played by people who love these champions for their design and play style so usually people who play these champions I find aren’t bad players at all so letting them play these champions sometime is a good choice. These champions problem isn’t poor laning or really anything other than they require a lot more effort to be good at and a lot more skill to do well on is all. They’re all fun champions and I suggest you give them a whirl and try them out!


Warwick moved down in tier 1 - His laning got hit by the nerf, and he's not that crazy in lane anymore. Still a viable laner, and still a great jungler though.

Twisted Fate moved down in tier 1 - The ulti nerf hit him a bit so he's moving down accordingly.

Rumble moved down in tier 1 - I felt he was a bit too high in tier 1.

Jarvan moved down in tier 1 - I felt he was a bit too high in tier 1. His laning not that crazy anymore and I am seeing him as more of a jungler now.

Brand moved up in tier 1 - Great laning. Powerful early and mid game. Very strong burst.

Orianna moved up in tier 1 - Insane utility and damage on top of great lane control. Solo queue boss.

Gangplank moved up in tier 1 - Amazing jungler as his ganks are very strong. His early and mid game are strong but late game he just becomes a powerhouse.

Udyr moved up in tier 1 - Had him a bit too low. Yes his laning got nerfed a bit but still incredibly hard to push out of lane and still farms great in lane and just like GP is a powerhouse late game.

Teemo moved down to tier 2 - I felt he was too high so I moved him down a bit.

Karthus moved up in tier 1 - I think his R just makes him godmode for solo queue. On top of his R his baron and dragon DPS is LOLWTF and by LOLWTF I mean ZOMGFAST. Clearing baron quickly and picking up low kills are massive turning points in solo queue so I feel he should be higher.

Soraka moved up in tier 1 - Counter Karthus so I moved her up.. Justttt Kidddinggg but her heals are godlike. Duo queue with a good Soraka player for free Elo as healing is broken in solo queue imo.

Yorick moved up to tier 1 - BUT WHY ELEMENTZ WHY! HE GOT NERFED SO HARD! I know he did but he counters people without any sustain INCREDIBLY hard still. Throw him vs any caster middle or AD carry (rare but still) he counters them very well. Still a very strong solo queue champ. Not so much competitive play but in solo queue yes.

Mordekaiser moved up to tier 1 - Morde es #1 Elementz tier list (;3) Winning lanes in solo queue wins you games. Morde wins lanes quite effectively. That's about it.

Fiddlesticks moved up in tier 1 - Fiddle moved up in tier 1 becaus-CAWCAWCAWCAW.. That's basically it. You land ONE good ultimate in a team fight and you turn the game in your favor instantly. Doesn't matter if you're losing, a good Fiddle ulti will change the game into your favor.

Akali moved up in tier 1 - Her ability to snowball is just disgusting. Playing vs or with a fed Akali early is just like (WHY SHE DO SO MUCH DAMAGE AND I CAN'T KILL HER?) She's one of the strongest fed champions in the game and her burst is high so killing people who don't know to play vs Akali (there's a lot) and snowballing to win games in easy.

Kassadin moved up in tier 2 - I feel even though his laning is kinda weak, he picks up kills in team fights so nicely and can snowball you into a win.

Cassiopeia moved up to tier 1 - Stupid strong laning. Q + E harass is pretty strong atm. Win lane, win game.

Tristana moved up in tier 2 - I feel she was a bit too low.

Taric moved up to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too low.

Swain moved down to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too high. His nerfs have knocked him down.

Kennen moved up in tier 2 - I feel he should be a bit higher. He compliments team fights so well with other AoE Champs.

Garen moved up to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too low. He's still a great solo queue champ.

Kog'Maw moved up to tier 2 - His late game is most likely the strongest out of any AD carry (yes even beating Corki) in single target DPS. You just hit so hard from so far away. And his R when fed does some amazing poke damage.

Nunu moved down to tier 3 - He's not so great anymore.

Nasus moved down to tier 4 - Requires a lot of farm to be godlike. Tier 4 suites him better.

Kayle moved down to tier 4 - Same as Nasus. I feel she needs a lot of farm now to reach that "damn! OP" state.

**New Champ Time**

Leona placed in tier 4 - Her laning is just so awkard atm. Some duo comps work well with her (Leona + Lux) and her solo lane is okay. She just requires a lot of farm like Nasus n Kayle to reach the unkillable state. You really need to be smart on what you're laning vs with her.

Wukong placed in tier 3 - His laning is actually pretty decent. His team fighting is okay too. Overall a decent champ but nothing crazy.


"The Alley Oop"

Jungle Tier list - Skarner Era

by Stonewall on Friday, August 12th 2011 - 13:58 / 9460 Views /
Tier 1 - Udyr,Lee Sin, Trundle, Warwick, Nocturne, Fiddlesticks, Cho Gath
Tier 2- Nunu, Xin Zhao,Gangplank, Amumu,Jarvan,Maokai,Master Yi
Tier 3 - Olaf, Tryndamere, Shaco, Shen, Yorick, Gragas, Alistar, Malphite
Tier 4 - Akali, Rammus, Irelia, Skarner, Dr Mundo, Sion, Renekton, Mordekaiser,
Tier 5 - Karthus, Pantheon, Karma, Nasus, Taric, Wukong, Evelynn, Orianna, Jax,

Tier 1 – The best at what they do. Some are the purist of
control junglers or the fiercest of gankers and some are versatile enough to do
both. Whatever the case these are the best in terms of jungling – they far and
beyond exceed several or all aspects of jungling and have an indisputable
strength about them.

Tier 2 – These junglers are the strongest after the gods. They usually excel
at most of the aspects of jungling and are far and beyond in one or two. They
have fewer weaknesses than most other junglers and may have a niche ability
unique to them. When you want to excel at jungling – you come to these first.

Tier 3- These junglers are very similar to Tier 2 heroes. They are so
similar that they’re basically interchangeable and are very capable of
competing with tier 2 junglers. The only reason they are in a separate bracket
is due to them being not as well rounded or someone above them is their
superior mirror. Also for organization purposes.

Tier 4- These junglers are weaker than the other junglers either due to
naturally just not being suitable for the jungle or having to alter their
optimal builds in order to jungle successfully. At the same time there are
others above who are simply miles better and they bring nothing really unique
to jungling. They’re usually prone to being dominated by stronger junglers.

Tier 5- A special tier graded differently than the others. The junglers here
CAN jungle but they usually have to impact their standard builds in interesting
ways in order to successfully do so. Either the impact is minor, but
noticeable, or major and could affect them later into the game. Placement is
also a bit wishy washy.

Now the reason of the updates...

Pantheon – just moved him in the tier that doesn’t matter at all. Seriously I half ass that
tier section <_<

Tryndamere – More consistency is good and the buffs had no real change. Just those who were in
front of him didn’t feel like they should have been ahead.

Yes I am preparing for the possible storm that’s going to

Nunu – Ever since those nerfs you’ve been seeing less of him. The new meta has also made him feel
a little less impressive since roamers are a bit phased out. Nunu had the
luxury of being a jungler that could just wander like an amnesiac and be damn
good at it and with the nerfs and meta shift – it’s a lot less easy for him to
do that. It’s sort of like trying to write on a piece of paper after it’s been
wet and you dried it. It just feels weird. He’s not awful. He’s still a strong
jungler and strong choice – he’s just not as good as before and it was felt for
awhile. I finally just moved him.

Fiddlesticks – Yes right now he’s really powerful. He sets up so many opportunities for your
team. He’s a CC toolbox who packs a lot of damage throughout the course of the
game. He also has the power of early barons and dragons in combination of
packing so much CC. He’s been slowly climbing and he’s just showing how absurd
he is.

He forces the team to ward in odd locations as his flash
ultimate can still avoid wards. His damage in ganks is almost unrivaled as

Ganks with fiddlesticks are just frightening. Either he uses
his ultimate and obliterates people and locks them in with CC or waltzes in and
shuts you down and gets you murdered. Fiddlesticks also has an easy time
forcing the use of your summoner spells in inopportune times and setting up his
team for easy team fights early when it’s harder to deal with his shenanigans.

Even strong jungle duelists like Lee Sin and Trundle have a
very difficult time fighting him – in fact he’s probably the jungler most
immune to dueling.

Oh and he can also pseudo initiate.

Now for the new Champion – SKARNER

Yeah he’s pretty bad even though he was advertised as a

Speed – A tad slower than Warwick EVEN with a leash.
Survivability – Counter junglers and duelists will eat him
alive and he’s not at good health jungling
Path – he’s got a few builds he can go and a few starting
paths but very few aggressive ones
Sustain – His damage is reliable and can start snowballing
but he’s incredibly mana intensive
Ganking – only a few more tools than warwick
and a worse level 6 than warwick.
Not impressive.
Invasion – crappy sustain and poor dueling do not allow for
good invasion

As Jungle Picks go - this is what I know

Tier 1
Amumu (tank)
Nunu (support)
Warwick (tanky initiator)
Jarvan (tank)
Fiddlesticks (caster/support)
Gangplank (carry/support)

Tier 2
Alistar (multipurpose)
Trundle (bruiser)
Nocturne (assassin/bruiser)
Udyr (tank/bruiser)
Lee Sin (assassin/bruiser)


Finished Tutorial!

Finished Tutorial!

 I hosted my segment of the Team Solomid's giving Back to the Community event this weekend. I spent nearly three hours going over support and its numerous attributes. I covered the list of items in my last blog post and I had a lot of fun giving commentary on the two games that I played. As a reminder, my tutorial doesn't teach people how to play, but rather only serves as an informational way for players to improve their support prowess. I do not people to think that what I showcased is the only way or even the best way to support as it is always better to develop their own style that evolves with the players they team with.

 I also played and commentated on two high Elo ranked solo queue games, an Alistar defeat and a Soraka victory. In both games, I showed how I start off my early game on supports with my Clairvoyance usage and ward placements, including my thought process in these aspects. Throughout the game, I highlighted areas where I felt that I played well and at the same time pinpointed my mistakes throughout the match.

 As with any champion, the best way to learn is to simply gather as many games as you can.

 The VoDs are up on own3d in case you would like to watch any part of the event ^^

 Part 1/3: http://www.own3d.tv/video/174115/
 Part 2/3: http://www.own3d.tv/video/174121/
 Part 3/3: http://www.own3d.tv/video/174162/
 Q&A: http://www.own3d.tv/video/174183


Solo Queue Tier List updated

This list will compile all the champions into tiers that I will explain later in the post. This is about how great of a champion they can be in solo queue and how well they can be played overall. This list isn’t about “picks” or drafting. It’s about how good a champion is in Solo Queue. I emphasize Solo Queue because Draft Mode 5v5 is a lot different and they should have two separate lists. This list will be mostly revolving around how good a champion is at Soloing, Jungling, Early game,Mid game, and team fighting ability. It will have almost nothing to do with Late Game which 90% of competitive games go to. Majority of solo queue games end between 25 and 35 minutes. So this is what this list will be focusing on.

*Tier 1 - Orianna, Gangplank, Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Annie, Alistar, Corki, Brand, Akali, Nidalee, Soraka, Karthus, Nocturne, Mordekaiser, Irelia,Casseopia, Renekton, Warwick, Cho'Gath, Jarvan IV, Ashe,Vayne, Vlad, Malzahar, Rumble, Singed, Twisted Fate, Amumu, Yorick

* Tier 2 - Tristana, Teemo, Kassadin,Lee Sin, Taric, Caitlyn, Urgot, Kog’Maw, Swain, Ryze, Jax, Kennen, Xin Zhao, Garen, Shaco, Maokai, Sion, Lux, Zilean, Gragas, Trundle, Miss Fortune, Janna,Leblanc, Ezreal, Anivia, Mundo

* Tier 3 – Blitzcrank, Morgana, Master Yi, Malphite, Wukong, Olaf, Rammus, Nunu, Tryndamere, Sona, Poppy, Shen

* Tier 4 – Sivir, Veigar, Nasus, Leona, Katarina, Pantheon, Kayle, Twitch, Galio, Karma, Heimerdinger,Eve

Tier 1 - These champions are at the top of this list for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason being you can actually carry a team with them. In League of Legends its very hard to be a “true” carry as this game if very team oriented. If you’ve ever played a 4v5 you’ll know what I am talking about as it’s literally impossible to win. So I find these champions in Tier 1 lane VERY well in terms of being able to kill creeps well, harassing the enemy champion, and survivability. For the junglers in tier 1 it’s because they control the jungle well, and do it safely. Also gank well and if get fed can actually carry games themselves. All these champions have great early games for the most part and just continuously get stronger as the game goes on. These are the pub stomp kings of the game in my eyes currently.

Tier 2 - These champions like tier 1 champions are great laners, and are great to have on your team in Solo Queue. They just don’t carry as hard as other champions in tier 1 I find. Their early game laning power can be almost equal to the strength of tier 1 champions but I find the tier 2 champions to be slightly weaker than these tier 1 champions in terms of how hard you can carry a solo queue game with them. They are still the creme of the crop in Solo Queue and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Tier 3 - These champions I find to be great 3rd, 4th, or 5th picks on a team. They are 100% viable but these champions generally aren’t as strong in lane as tier 1 and tier 2 champions and often take the Duo lane as they aren’t as strong as solo’s. A few of them in this tier can stand toe to toe to a lot of tier 1 and 2 champions in a Solo lane but I find they just aren’t sought after as “great” Solo Queue solo laners. These champs are all 100% viable in solo queue. I just find them to be slightly weaker than tier 2 champions in Solo Queue.

Tier 4 - Now tier 4 is a tricky tier I find. These champs are all 100% viable for Solo Queue. If someone says they play a great X champion in tier 4 than you can let them solo or play that champion. These champions are simply tier 4 because they require a lot more farm I find than other champions to reach that “carry status” in Solo Queue. These champions are usually played by people who love these champions for their design and play style so usually people who play these champions I find aren’t bad players at all so letting them play these champions sometime is a good choice. These champions problem isn’t poor laning or really anything other than they require a lot more effort to be good at and a lot more skill to do well on is all. They’re all fun champions and I suggest you give them a whirl and try them out!


Warwick moved down in tier 1 - His laning got hit by the nerf, and he's not that crazy in lane anymore. Still a viable laner, and still a great jungler though.

Twisted Fate moved down in tier 1 - The ulti nerf hit him a bit so he's moving down accordingly.

Rumble moved down in tier 1 - I felt he was a bit too high in tier 1.

Jarvan moved down in tier 1 - I felt he was a bit too high in tier 1. His laning not that crazy anymore and I am seeing him as more of a jungler now.

Brand moved up in tier 1 - Great laning. Powerful early and mid game. Very strong burst.

Orianna moved up in tier 1 - Insane utility and damage on top of great lane control. Solo queue boss.

Gangplank moved up in tier 1 - Amazing jungler as his ganks are very strong. His early and mid game are strong but late game he just becomes a powerhouse.

Udyr moved up in tier 1 - Had him a bit too low. Yes his laning got nerfed a bit but still incredibly hard to push out of lane and still farms great in lane and just like GP is a powerhouse late game.

Teemo moved down to tier 2 - I felt he was too high so I moved him down a bit.

Karthus moved up in tier 1 - I think his R just makes him godmode for solo queue. On top of his R his baron and dragon DPS is LOLWTF and by LOLWTF I mean ZOMGFAST. Clearing baron quickly and picking up low kills are massive turning points in solo queue so I feel he should be higher.

Soraka moved up in tier 1 - Counter Karthus so I moved her up.. Justttt Kidddinggg but her heals are godlike. Duo queue with a good Soraka player for free Elo as healing is broken in solo queue imo.

Yorick moved up to tier 1 - BUT WHY ELEMENTZ WHY! HE GOT NERFED SO HARD! I know he did but he counters people without any sustain INCREDIBLY hard still. Throw him vs any caster middle or AD carry (rare but still) he counters them very well. Still a very strong solo queue champ. Not so much competitive play but in solo queue yes.

Mordekaiser moved up to tier 1 - Morde es #1 Elementz tier list (;3) Winning lanes in solo queue wins you games. Morde wins lanes quite effectively. That's about it.

Fiddlesticks moved up in tier 1 - Fiddle moved up in tier 1 becaus-CAWCAWCAWCAW.. That's basically it. You land ONE good ultimate in a team fight and you turn the game in your favor instantly. Doesn't matter if you're losing, a good Fiddle ulti will change the game into your favor.

Akali moved up in tier 1 - Her ability to snowball is just disgusting. Playing vs or with a fed Akali early is just like (WHY SHE DO SO MUCH DAMAGE AND I CAN'T KILL HER?) She's one of the strongest fed champions in the game and her burst is high so killing people who don't know to play vs Akali (there's a lot) and snowballing to win games in easy.

Kassadin moved up in tier 2 - I feel even though his laning is kinda weak, he picks up kills in team fights so nicely and can snowball you into a win.

Cassiopeia moved up to tier 1 - Stupid strong laning. Q + E harass is pretty strong atm. Win lane, win game.

Tristana moved up in tier 2 - I feel she was a bit too low.

Taric moved up to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too low.

Swain moved down to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too high. His nerfs have knocked him down.

Kennen moved up in tier 2 - I feel he should be a bit higher. He compliments team fights so well with other AoE Champs.

Garen moved up to tier 2 - I feel he was a bit too low. He's still a great solo queue champ.

Kog'Maw moved up to tier 2 - His late game is most likely the strongest out of any AD carry (yes even beating Corki) in single target DPS. You just hit so hard from so far away. And his R when fed does some amazing poke damage.

Nunu moved down to tier 3 - He's not so great anymore.

Nasus moved down to tier 4 - Requires a lot of farm to be godlike. Tier 4 suites him better.

Kayle moved down to tier 4 - Same as Nasus. I feel she needs a lot of farm now to reach that "damn! OP" state.

**New Champ Time**

Leona placed in tier 4 - Her laning is just so awkard atm. Some duo comps work well with her (Leona + Lux) and her solo lane is okay. She just requires a lot of farm like Nasus n Kayle to reach the unkillable state. You really need to be smart on what you're laning vs with her.

Wukong placed in tier 3 - His laning is actually pretty decent. His team fighting is okay too. Overall a decent champ but nothing crazy


New patch notes

by Borengora on Tuesday, July 26th 2011 - 07:09 / 6815 Views /
Yes, I'm still alive. I've been out of sorts for a while with grad-school registration (read: jumping through the hoops instated by a stagnant academia. That I will soon join, probably...). But I am back to give you my (highly theoretical with no practical data whatsoever) comments on the patch that is being released as we speak. I am writing this about half an hour before I have to be at work, so I may just get part posted and finish it later.

As always, remember that this is much less detailed than Elementz's Meta Talks and is just my personal opinion. Keep the comments rolling in, especially when I miss stuff, so we can all glean a better understanding of what these changes mean.

Wukong, the Monkey King

Crushing Blow: Wukong swings his mighty staff with incredible speed, crushing his opponent. This attack deals additional physical damage and reduces the enemy's armor for a short duration.
Decoy: Wukong utilizes his cleverness to trick his foes. He becomes stealthed for 1.5 seconds and leaves an uncontrollable decoy behind that will deal Magic Damage to enemies near it after 1.5 seconds.
Nimbus Strike: Wukong dashes on a cloud toward a target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies near his target, dealing physical damage to each enemy struck.
Cyclone (Ultimate): Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around, dealing damage and knocking up enemies. Wukong gains movement speed over the duration of the spell.
Stone Skin (Passive): Wukong's armor and magic resistance are increased for each nearby enemy champion.

- Yaah, more tanky DPS...


Damage reduced to 85/125/165/205/245 from 90/130/170/210/250
Ability power ratio reduced to .7 from .75
Damage reduced to 80/130/180/230/280 from 85/135/185/235/285
Ability power ratio reduced to .75 from .8

-Pretty decent Annie nerfs. But it was about time, even though I am personally sad because she's my best toon. At least they didn't run her into the ground like many of their nerf-stick recipients.


Miasma now gives persistent vision in the area where cast

-not that big of a deal, but nice nonetheless. Even less excuse to facecheck those bushes.


Phosphorus Bomb
No longer blinds
Damage reduced to 70/120/170/220/270 from 80/130/180/230/280
Gatling Gun attack damage ratio reduced to 20% from 25%
Missile Barrage: Big One bonus damage reduced to 50% from 60%

-Doubleyew Tee Eff?!? GINORMOUS Corki nerfs. Q doesn't blind anymore? 20% GG damage nerf? And an ult nerf just to kick him while he's down? Poorly played, Riot. Very poorly played. Corki will be seeing much less usage.


Fixed a bug where Mystic Shot did not interact with spell shields

-Aaaaand he's still worthless. Please try again.


Base health increased to 520 from 495
Base armor increased to 20.5 from 16
Armor per level reduced to 3.5 from 4
Resolute Smite
Projectile speed increased to 1300 from 1200
Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 70/75/80/85/90
Ability power reduced to .7 from .8
Duration increased to 4 seconds from 3.5 seconds
Heal increased to 25/40/55/70/85 from 20/32/44/56/68
Idol of Durand damage reduction while channeling increased to 50% from 30%

-Nice, needed buffs. Maybe he'll be usable again. I sure hope so, cause he's lots of fun.


Parrrley gold bonus reduced to 4/5/6/7/8 from 4/6/8/10/12
Raise Morale
Active attack damage bonus reduced to 14/22/30/38/46 from 20/28/36/44/52
Active movement speed bonus reduced to 10/14/18/22/26% from 14/18/22/26/30%

-Good nerfs. He was a little stupid.


New models and textures for Janna and Tempest Janna
All new animations for her and her skins!

-Meh. Doesn't effect gameplay. Maybe she's a little hotter now, though. Wait, did I say that out loud? Er...I mean...YES I'M AWESOME!


Leap Strike
Attack damage ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.7
Base damage reduced to 35/60/85/110/135 from 50/75/100/125/150

-Making him scale better. Jax is already a monster in solo que if he gets some items, and this will make him even more so. I doubt he'll ever be very viable in draft mode, however.


New model and animations!
Community contest "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" /dance animation
Attack damage per level reduced to 2.5 from 3
Attack speed per level reduced to 2 from 2.3
Recommended items updated
Holy Fervor
New Passive: Kayle's basic attacks against enemy champions now reduce their armor and magic resistance by 2% for 5 seconds (stacks up to 5 times)
Missile speed increased to 1300 from 1000
Ability power ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.8
Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 80/85/90/95/100
Slow increased to 35% from 25%
Damage amplification reduced to 5% from 8/10/12/14/16%
Righteous Fury
Cooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 22/21/20/19/18 seconds
Bonus damage increased to 20/30/40/50/60 from 4/10/16/22/28
Increased splash range to 300 from 200
Ability power ratio decreased to .2 to .3
Mana cost reduced to 45 from 65
Divine Blessing
Base heal adjusted to 45/85/125/165/205 from 65/100/135/170/205
Movement speed duration reduced to 2.5 seconds from 10 seconds
Movement speed boost increased to 15/17/19/21/23% from 12%
Ability power ratio reduced to .35 from .5
Cooldown increased to 15 seconds from 10 seconds

-I like her reworks. Too many of them to make much of a judgment until I see her in play, though. But it looks like she'll be pretty fun.


Sap Magic can now be cast while silenced



Command: Dissonance
Ability power ratio reduced to .5 from .6
Movement speed slow and boost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40% from 25/30/35/40/45%

-Good nerfs. She'll still be annoying as crap in a lane, however.


Grand Skyfall now has a range of 5500

-Nerf all teh globals! ALL TEH GLOBALZ!!!


Ravenous Flock now prioritizes champions

-Great buff. I'll have to start playing him again, especially with Annie nerfs.


Fixed a bug where Move Quick did not proc on-spell cast effects such as Sheen

-Meh. Who really cares?


New model and animations!
Tryndamere has been working out and is now approximately 20% bigger
Tryndamere now uses Fury, gaining 5 per hit, 10 per crit, and 10 extra per kill.
Fury decays at 5 Fury per second after being out of combat for 10 seconds.
Passively adds 5-20/10-30/15-40/20-50/25-60 Attack Damage depending on how wounded Tryndamere is
Consumes all Fury to heal Tryndamere for 30-80/40-135/50-190/60-245/70-300 depending on how much Fury was consumed
Cooldown adjusted to 12 seconds from 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
Mocking Shout is now free to cast
Spinning Slash
Spinning Slash is now free to cast
Cooldown increased to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds from 9 seconds
Base damage adjusted to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/90/140/190/240
Scaling adjusted to 1.0 bonus Attack Damage from 0.5 total Attack Damage (still scales with AP)
Now deals physical damage instead of magic damage
Battle Fury now grants up to 35% Critical Chance, depending on how full his Fury bar is

-Another big rework. Hopefully will make Trynd less of hell to play early. Again, need to see it in action before making much of a judgment.

NOTES STOP HERE - WORK BE CALLING!!!-----------------------------------------NOTES STOP HERE - WORK BE CALLING!!!-----------------------------------------

Twisted Fate

Gate now has a range of 5500

Tiger Stance Attack Damage ratio reduced to 1.5 from 1.7
Fixed a bug where turtle stance was healing off of the damage dealt by Madred's Razor.

Fixed a bug where Silver Bolts would go through Blind effects.

Base armor of ghouls reduced to 10 from 20
Omen of Death damage percent reduced to 45/60/75% from 50/75/100%
Omen of Pestilence now scales off of ability power at a 1.0 ratio instead of a .8 bonus attack damage ratio
Omen of Famine
Heals for 40% of the damage dealt, down from 50%
Range reduced to 550 from 650

Zhonya's Hourglass combine cost reduced to 800 from 1000
Randuin's Omen and Shurelya's Reverie will now grant assists


Inb4 Next Patch

Morello is doing talks about a "global teleport tech" which has been one of my ideas for a long time, limiting the range of global abilities. While I have supported the idea in the past, I think that adding a range to globals at this stage in the game could be detrimental to the heroes that it will be affecting. Why?

Well, there is the classic instance of Shen, where he is first picked/banned every single solo queue match. Then, a patch later (and a blog later where I predicted this would happen), Shen is seen to not be viable anymore, simply because what Riot did to him was change certain aspects that were not OP to compensate for the one thing that made him OP. They changed around stats and made his laning phase utterly terrible which was his weakness to begin with. This tilted the balance of the OP scale so much out of his favor that he was basically deleted out of the minds of a majority of the community.

While TF may be percieved as OP at the moment, I am not sure if adding a range to his ultimate would truely "balance" the hero. Without his ultimate, TF is very weak. We are already seeing a decline in TF bans in tournaments, and nerfing his ultimate by adding a range to it could be the final nail in the coffin of TF that will bury him alongside Eve and Twitch, and countless other heroes that have been nerfed out of viability. Adding a longer casting delay on his teleport (1-2 seconds) may be all that is needed to fix TF, rather than making his ultimate a ranged ability.

As for Pantheon, I see him to be a niche hero. He sacrifices laning dominance for having a global ultimate, one that I have seen to be very strong lately if used correctly even at 2200-2400 levels of solo queue play. I do not think that Pantheon changes are necessary, as his global has a huge casting delay that makes up for the overpowered global mechanic, balancing it out in effect. I think that Pantheon is in a great place, and bringing him back to where he used to be where he dominated lanes with little effort is not a direction I would like to see him go.
The most overpowered mechanic I see at the moment is teleport. Giving heroes a global mechanic that should not have them is detrimental, and this was seen at dreamhack. Having to farm at tower because the mid carry can instantly kill you if he leaves the map for 3-4 seconds is a mechanic that is seen as "anti-fun".

Giving you the ability to see the ward that the enemy is teleporting to was a very weak fix. I suggest making teleport only targettable on blue/purple minions (not player minions) and towers, which would be a very simple and correct fix. Teleport would still be strong, just not unavoidable to the point where you have to buy a level 6 oracles or you WILL be stuck at tower farming for the majority of the game.
PST me for more free balancing advice.


Jungle Tutorial - Leashing

Patch Notes Comments

by Elementz on Tuesday, July 5th 2011 - 17:59 / 9958 Views /
Basically these are some balance changes that I think would help the game out

Galio - W: Now instead of waiting for a hit to heal the target, heals the target for half of what the first hit would heal for upfront.

Reason: Basically giving Galio a mini heal on the first heal so he can be a support / tank. I feel Galio could use some love and he could be viable if he was able to lane and support someone bottom a bit better. I think this little change could make him a viable support / tank.

Lux - W: Shield now absorbs 65% on first hit and 35% on come back.

Reason: 50/50 isn't that great. An extra 15% upfront really helps out her early game shielding damage, and overall improves her survivability and that of those she wants to save. You cast your shield to hit someone on the way out with it, catching them on the way back is just an added bonus. If the shield upfront % shielded was increased it would help out her laning, survivability, and overall team utility.

Early game stats: Some HP, armor, and MR buff to her early game. Like 60 HP, 7 or so armor and like 5 MR.

Reason: Her early game stats are quite weak and her early game CD's on her spells are long. She can't spam as well as other casters and stat wise she's one of the weakest. I believe helping her stats out early game would really help her laning phase out.

Renekton - E: Now slices for 5% of armor per Slice N Dice. Rage Slice N Dice for 7.5% of enemies armor. This debuff stacks twice. Totaling 10% normal, 15% rage.

Reason: Regular Slice N Dice really has no offensive value other than position. I feel if the non rage ability could use some love and add some much needed utility to Renekton.

R: Now provides 15/30/45 bonus MR and 15/30/45 bonus armor

Reason: His ultimate is good and all but I don't feel it's enough especially late game. I Feel giving tankyness to it could really benefit him. 15/30 aren't really that big of a deal for early and mid game. The 45 late game though does help out quite a bit and that's where he really struggles to stay alive.

Kassadin - Q: Now deals 80 damage up from 60 at level 1. Rank 2 increased by 10 damage as well. Level 3,4,5 remain the same.

Reason: Kass has issues early game trading with opponents. 60 damage + MR = around 45 damage, where as an AD carry or ranged AP carry can merely auto attack or spell + auto attack and deal much more damage to Kassadin. Similar to Vlad's early game Q damage buff this would allow his early game to be a bit stronger where he is weakest.

Got some balance changes you think should be added? Disagree/Agree with mine? Leave me a reply then


The Unoffical Rules Of League Of Legends - From I3ig B

by Elementz on Tuesday, June 28th 2011 - 14:36 / 3841 Views /
Original thread can be found here..

I was just reading the forums and these made me laugh / giggle a bit so I thought I'd share them..

Enjoy (:3)

1. Don't chase Singed.
2. DON'T chase Singed.
3. Garen is immortal while positioned in a bush.
4. Always assume Eve, Shaco, and Twitch are MIA.
5. Mundo goes where he pleases.
6. Yes Cho's feast is up and yes he is going to eat you.
7. Shouting Demacia, either irl or in /all, has been known to improve your game play.
8. The only way to play Teemo is to instalock him and call mid.
9. Playing Teemo also comes with the accepted burden of having a global taunt.
10. The Blitz on your team will never land his grabs, but the one on the other team will.
11. If you don't see fiddle make sure to... CAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW
12. Janna has and always will be the **** of assist.
13. Yes you were just bursted down by a giant purple cow. Don't ask questions.
14. Yes you can use Rupture on Annie and knock her up. ಠ_ಠ
15. Rolling your face on the keyboard to play Sona is more effective then trying to play her.
16. It's assumed Jax is a TMNT, but Riot refuses to really tell us what he is.
17. The enemy's Ashe arrow is heat seeking and will find you, but yours isn't.
18. Yeti's have somehow obtained the ability to puke ice balls.
19. All women have huge boobs according to this game.
20. Yes he's fat, drunk, and carrying a barrel, but he is going to catch you.
21. Armadillos can only say OK.
22. Every champions /dance was modeled after one of Phreak's many dance moves.
23. If you make fun of Pantheon Tamat will man drop your house.
24. Morello will nerf your favorite champion. Deal with it.
25. It's rumored Lima Bean's cat eats leavers so don't do it.
26. Rule 26 is a lie.

Will be adding more as I think of them.

Quote: Originally Posted by FireRoastedFire
27. The enemy always runs faster than you. No exceptions.
28. Vayne is buffy. This is accepted and she will eventually fade out, just like the show.
29. Your skill shots are perfectly accurate when laning, but always miss in team fights.
30. There are no 'women' in LoL.
31. In regards to 30, I lied.
32. Yes, Master Yi WILL backdoor you. Get over it.
33. The enemy Twisted Fate is alwats watching you. Not your team, just you. Be aware of this.
34. If you are a carry, you will get focus fired. No one in chat will be surprised by this.
35. Sarcasm lightens the game up, but too much just pisses people off.
36. Just because you're losing doesn't mean you are the best on your team, it means you are losing, too.
37. Yi will always insta-lock and call mid. Or else he'll feed.
38. Your Ult will do enough damage to bring Garen to 95% health.
39. If you hear a "DEMACIA!" and don't have a Demacian on your team, you are dead.
40. Udyr is a schitzo zoophiliac. And doesn't like PETA. Or peta bread.
42. Your turrets do 10 damage a shot, theirs deal 2000 a shot.
43. Adding your assists to your kills does not count towards K : D ratio. (I'd say 3 assists=1kill if you want to)
44. If you are alone for more than 10 seconds, the entire enemy team is in that bush next to you.
45. Ganks always work fo the other team.
46. Ganks never go as planned for your team.
47. Yes, they have wards.
48. No, you don't.
49. If you have an Oracle's elixir, you are dead.
50. Most importantly, yes, they Have Baron warded. No, I don't want to go for him at the moment.
51. Tryndamere's right arm is alot stronger than his left arm.

Quote: Originally Posted by Kharel
52. An Ashe on the enemy team firing Hawkshot will always manage to see your low-health jungler seconds before he takes red, and will nail him with an ECA in epic fashion, with the splash damage killing the lizard.
53. Your Ashe's ECA is magnetized, with the front being N and the back being S. All enemies are mono-polar N magnetized.
54. Ezreal's ultimate will always impact precisely one minion before striking the intended enemy champion, leaving the enemy with 2hp remaining.
55. Annie's Summon Tibbers double-damage bug only affects you.
56. If you don't own any tanks, have never played a tank, and have no knowledge of tanking, your team will instalock 4 AD carries and rage at you for not tanking.
56b. Enemy team compositions will always be perfect with every player on their team playing their main.
57. If one enemy has a Tiamat, they will somehow manage to unintentionally steal Baron, Dragon, and every contested buff in both jungles repeatedly while fighting you.

Quote: Originally Posted by FireRoastedFire
60. Maokai's Twisted Advance will always stop you just short of your turret.
61. When in doubt, ward.
62. The second you enter a team fight, your carries run away.
63. Soraka and Shen both deal no damage, yet still make you rage at the loading screen.
64. Enemy minions always follow you into the bush.
65. Your minions are always pushed back to your turret.
66. The enemy super minions always have more health.
67. Xin Xao will always be UP in his user's eyes. No exceptions.
68. AP Yi is not to be trifled with.
69. We feast.
70. You are a 'nuub', 'nub, 'noob', or any other variation, because that guy is 4-12-2. You are 1-2-24. He has more kills
71. No one ever expects the Spanish inquisition.
72. Ashe is also known as bait. Don't do it.
73. If there is a bush, there is an enemy in it.
74. If there is a Teemo, Shaco, Caitlyn, OR Nidalee, you will always 'find' their traps.
75. No, you cannot solo that Cho'Gath.
76. GLHF is code for "We are going to rape you". Not returning the favor is giving consent.
77. IF you see Sona, run. She is NEVER alone.
78. Support are always underappreciated
79. It's always the support's fault.
80. Two kills is not fed.

Quote: Originally Posted by Hallifax281
81. Gangplank and Tryndamere will always crit.
82. Your Karthus will never get a kill with his ult.
83. Enemy Karthus will get quadra kills.
84. If you survive a 1 v 1 fight, the minions will finish you.
85. Twisted Fate will always ult after he respawns.
86. Playing with a skin makes you better.
87. Don't fight Malzahar alone.
88. Anivia is impossible to kill for first blood.
89. Urgot will always out-range you.
90. Gangplank's Parrrley see's the Pirate's Code as "guidelines"
91. Alistar always has flash up and will pulverize and headbutt you into his team/turret.
92. You will always be stunned during Death Lotus.
93. The enemy will never be stunned during Death Lotus.
94. If you have more than 3 numbers in your name, you will be called a noob.
95. Your team will never block Ace in the Hole.
96. The other team always has more CC than you.
97. If you play a jungler and lane you will be called a noob.
98. Mordekaiser will always have his shield.
99. Face checking bushes will kill you.
100. If the laning phase is over, you are always overextended.


Millenium announce their new LoL Team

Today, Team Millenium announced their new League of Legends team. Team aAa join Millenium after Dreamhack Summer 2011 and surprise many League of Legends Fans. Team aAa are one of the best LoL teams in EU. Millenium and aAa have one of the biggest rivalries in eSports, France, and this move is a big surprise for French eSports. AbsoluteLegends talked to Jerome 'Kujaa' Negretti about their move to Millenium.

Absolute Legends: Your team competed in Dreamhack very well, and won $25.000. This news comes of a bit of a surprise for League of Legends Fans. What do you think about Dreamhack organisation?

Jerome 'kujaa' Negretti: Yes,We win $25.000. It's really great the $50.000 where not that far but still its good :). Dreamhack was well planned by Riot Games, I really enjoyed playing there, the other players and Riot staff were cool :).

Absolute Legends: Your team were with aAa for a long time, and after Dreamhack you leave and join another french organisation Team Millenium? Why you are switching from aAa to Team Millenium?

Jerome 'kujaa' Negretti: Yes, we have been with aAa during all the Season 1, we had some offer from lots of teams, so we chosed to check all the options, and we chose Millenium.

Absolute Legends: Now Team Millenium have 6 members but League of Legends competitive play is obviously based around 5vs5. Did you have to remove anyone from the roster with this move?

Jerome 'kujaa' Negretti: Well we are a pack of 6 players , we really like each other , there is no sub, just some tactical choices on who plays, no one will be kicked .

Absolute Legends: Are you thinking of recruiting anyone else in the near future?

Jerome 'kujaa' Negretti: No, we won't be 7 players. We will stay at 6 players, we have friends who play for us when some people can't be online at the right time.

Absolute Legends: Do you want to stream your games, just like other players ? ( WetDreaM , Wickd , oce , HotshotGG)

Jerome 'kujaa' Negretti: We do it in the future , kujaa - Linak - moma

Absolute Legends: Thank you for the interview, good luck.

Team Millenium Line-up

Jerome 'kujaa' Negretti

Bora 'YellOwStaR' Kim

Jocelyn 'Tidus' Pierlot

Paul 'sOAZ' Boyer

Damien 'Linak' Lorthios

Maik 'MoMa' Wallus

Millenium Sport Manager Bjorn explains about this transfer to their offical site:

"You are probably aware that since a few weeks, League of Legends news were particularly followed on Millenium website, with a new dedicated page filled with an almost completed list of guides list.

I absolutely like this type of game (Multiplayer Online battle Arena) and League of legends appeared to us as the one filling every quality needed to become a great esport, especially by Riot’s investment. We were only missing a high level team under our sponsor to complete our investment, and here we are.

Im very proud to welcome the team placed 2nd at the World Championship in Millenium.

We got into contact a while ago and i really appreciated the professionalism of their leader Kujaa, and the fact that the former 2009 Warcraft 3 France champion (under millenium sponsor) Bora “Psyko” Kim, known as yellowstar, was also a usefull factor. I had the chance to follow them during the Dreamhack and to meat the rest of the team. I had the confirmation we made the right choice. They are all both high skilled players and competitors.

Great events are coming and we will do everything needed to manage to make it to the top place."

Thanks to Xely


Patch Notes Comments ( - Yorick

Just a few thoughts on the patch notes. Not nearly as in-depth as Elementz's "Meta Talk" stuff.

Yorick: Looks fun as crap. I guess Riot has jumped on the "pet" bandwagon, but I'm glad. I was especially happy to hear a Shakespeare reference. And Zombie Shakespeare? My pants are a little damp. Maybe he'll have some Hamlet quotes...

Cho'Gath: Now highlights targets that can be killed with feast. Was this really necessary? I don't actually care either way, but it seems like a waste of time that could be better spent making more Teemo skins...

Evelynn: Nerfed into oblivion. Let's take away the one thing that makes her viable (stun) and replace it with a steaming bucket of red, white, and blue all American bullcrap (slow). Yeah, it's a long duration slow, but that won't stop Corki from jumping to safety.

Fiddlesticks: YAAAH!!! Fiddle buffs! I love Fiddle, but he was nerfed so many times that he was nigh unplayable. Hopefully this will give him the boost he needs (though he will still require blue to jungle, which is what is truly broken about him. Probably make him more of a pubstomp champ).

Pirate: About time he got some lovin'

Jarvan: Slight nerfs, still hella' strong.

Kassadin: Small buffs, should help a little with early mana regen (though probably not enough to make that much of a difference).

Malz: He needed a little nerfing, but I don't think this was the way to do it. Let's nerf his anti-tanky ability in the midst of a Tanky DPS meta...

Nunu: I don't jungle, so I'm not sure, but holy crappers, this looks like it will hurt his jungle. Check with Stonewall for the final word.

Rumble: Glad he got nerfed a little. Wasn't really OP, but I'm so sick of Tanky DPS.

Shaco: "Fixed the dance animation to loop properly." Problem solved...

TF: Got....buffed? Yeah, it's just a change to shields, but still. Banned or picked in EVERY DAMN GAME of the tourney, and he gets a buff? Let's buff Vayne next!!!

Vayne: Thank god for some nerfs.

Vlad: Slight nerf to his level 9 godlike-status. Damage will be slightly less, but his heal will be what's really impacted.


GP10 Items: No more Philo/HoG stacking, Jarvan! 'Course he can still get one of each. I think this was a good compromise.


DreamHack live!!

The world's largest digital festival goes ---->>>LIVE  Link 1 - Link 2   Link 3<-----
The Season One Championship has Arrived! (Coverage Begins 10:30 a.m. CEST 6/18)

Welcome to the thrilling conclusion of League of Legends Season One! For the past nine months, League of Legends teams all across the globe have been fighting furiously to establish themselves as championship contenders. Now, the Season One Circuit has come to a close, and the top eight teams from North America, Southeast Asia, and Europe have gathered together to compete for their share of a $100,000 prize purse and the right to call themselves the greatest League of Legends team in the world. Here at Dreamhack in Jönköping, Sweden, the League of Legends Season One Champions will be crowned, taking home a grand prize of $50,000!

This is where you will find live coverage of all the excitement as it unfolds, including live matches, interviews with the competitors, updates to the brackets, and photos from the event site.

Live coverage begins June 18th, starting 10:30 CEST (GMT +2).


Three New Champions Announced At E3 (And they all look f'ing awesome!)

The 2011 Electronic Entertainment Expo in is full swing, and today we were summoned to Riot Games' booth to check out some of the updates coming to League of Legends. Travis George, lead producer on the game, was there to talk us through three upcoming champions, as well as show off Spectator mode. "Our driving belief has been to make a game players would want to pay for," said George, "and we've got a lot of people who are working on more than just champions."

Three champions that are in the works are Yorick, the grave digger; Leona, the radiant dawn; and Skarner, the crystal vanguard. Yorick is Riot's take on the necromancer archetype. Similar in concept to Sona's auras or Udyr's stances, Yorick is all about managing three abilities in harmony. Each of his three main abilities summons a ghoul, which dies fast and prioritizes attacking enemy champions. There is an immediate effect when the ghoul is summoned, and each ghoul type has its own special properties. His first (decay ghoul) causes a small blast of damage and slows enemies around him. This ghoul has its own aura that slows enemies and will automatically seek out enemy champions to attack.
The other two ghouls, ravenous and spectral, are still being worked on but will grant bonuses to life steal and attack speed, respectively. Yorick's passive will increase his stats so long as one ghoul is active, thus making skillful ghoul juggling a must for effective play. Finally, his ultimate is shaping up to be a skill shot that fires in a straight line, sending a wave of grasping skeleton hands that root champions. The skill may be modified so that nearby ghouls will focus on rooted champions, but it's still a work in progress.

Because Leona and Skarner aren't as far along in development, we didn't get as concise a breakdown. In broad terms, Leona is Riot's answer to the community's requests for a true female tank (sorry Kayle). Her character concept is built around the sun, with several crowd control abilities. These culminate in her ultimate: a global area-of-effect nuke that initially slows champions caught by it in a blinding ray of sunlight. After a moment, a beam of solar energy will crash down, stunning and damaging those hit. Skarner is a massive, purple scorpion made of crystal and built to focus on enemy champions one at a time while keeping others at bay. One idea George would share for this champion was the ability to physically pull enemy champions toward Skarner using its tail.
In addition to the new champions, Spectator mode was also shown. When doing research into how information should be presented to the player, George and the team at Riot turned to ESPN and other sports broadcasts to see how they formatted their information. At the top of the screen is a large blue-and-purple score tracker that tallies each side's total team kills, gold, and towers destroyed. The sides of the screen show vertical lists of each team's champions, with icons indicating individual summoner spells and the status of ultimates. Finally, the bottom has a full scoreboard that can be toggled on and off, as well as a chat window and minimap.

To help prevent foul play, Spectator mode has about a minute of built in lag (the exact number is still being tweaked). Riot is also still working on how many players will be able to spectate a match at once and would only commit to supporting one spectator per match at the moment. These additions, and many more that George was eager to reveal, are on the way and should be arriving before the year's end.

Season One Championship Regional Qualifiers

The final stop on the road to the Season One Championship has been made. After a long weekend full of exciting matches and great upsets, six teams have emerged to move on to League of Legends' biggest stage ever: The Season One Championship at Dreamhack!
These teams have made it past the qualifiers and will travel to Jönköping, Sweden this June to compete for their share of the $100,000 prize pool:

North America

  1. Team SoloMid
  2. Epik Gaming
  3. CLG


  1. aAa
  2. gamed.de
  3. FnaticMSI

Gold Per 5 Nerfs Next Patch (Rumour!) What does this mean for our game?

So apparently Morello has stated (I can't seem to find the post) that GP5 items are going to be "unique" on the passive. Now I am not sure if it's going to be unique per item meaning you have have a philo, a hog, and a kage pick and still get 3x GP5 or if you can only have one of those items and will only receive one GP5 passive.

If you can still have one HoG one Philo and One Kage GP5 won't be nerfed as badly but it will take it's toll on some champs. Not as bad as everyone might think but you wouldn't be able to HoG or Philo stack now which is a good thing, but what if you're only allowed to have one and the passive is an absolute unique?

Well what does this mean for LoL if it is a one item absolute unique passive? Well it's a step in the right direction as GP5 has been sort of plaguing our community a bit lately. At the same time though it's what made side lane supports / and some junglers viable. Without GP5 you're going to see WAY LESS farmed supports (and they really don't got much farm to begin with) and champions like Amumu/Nunu will also be nerfed pretty badly too as they are also known for getting 2-3 GP5 items as they jungle so they can continue to ward for the team, pick up oracles, and still have pretty good farm.

So with far less farmed supports and junglers we might actually see some champions drop down on the tier list a bit because of this change and tanky dps champions like Irelia, Renekton, Jarvan will also be hit because of this change.

How do you guys feel about this change? Good, bad, awesome?


Solo Queue Tier List updated

by Elementz on Wednesday, June 8th 2011 - 00:20 / 9689 Views /
Solo Queue Tier List

So due to people misunderstanding my list and taking it the wrong way etc.. Also due to some popular demand and a self-realization that I should have probably done this a long time ago. Here comes my Solo Queue Tier List!

This list will compile all the champions into tiers that I will explain later in the post. This is about how great of a champion they can be in solo queue and how well they can be played overall. This list isn’t about “picks” or drafting. It’s about how good a champion is in Solo Queue. I emphasize Solo Queue because Draft Mode 5v5 is a lot different and they should have two separate lists. This list will be mostly revolving around how good a champion is at Soloing, Jungling, Early game,Mid game, and team fighting ability. It will have almost nothing to do with Late Game which 90% of competitive games go to. Majority of solo queue games end between 20 and 30 minutes. So this is what this list will be focusing on.

SOLO QUEUE ADVICE – Always remember to build a balanced team that is strong in all 5 aspects of the game. Get two strong solo’s, a strong duo lane, and a strong jungler and your chances of winning will increase drastically! If you’re not 1st or 2nd pick please pick accordingly to the rest of your team. Communication in pregame chat is the key to success! If you have an AD and an AP carry then the remaining roles of Tank, Support, and Jungle need to be filled! It’s the best way to become a great League of Legends player by having a well rounded group of champions you can play! Master all aspects of the game and not just one!

*Tier 1 - Vayne, Twisted Fate, Annie, Alistar, Eve, Corki, Teemo, Nidalee, Nocturne, Jarvan IV, Irelia, Akali, Renekton, Cho’Gath, Janna, Malzahar, Swain, Karthus, Soraka, Warwick, Vlad, Singed, Amumu, Maokai, Shen,

* Tier 2 - Ashe, Jax, Lee Sin, Caitlyn, Orianna, Urgot, Tristana, Ryze, Xin Zhao, Shaco, Kassadin, Olaf, Casseopia,Udyr, Sion, Lux, Kennen, Zilean, Trundle, Miss Fortune, Leblanc, Ezreal, Brand, Nunu, Anivia, Mundo,

* Tier 3 – Blitzcrank, Taric, Morgana, Nasus, Master Yi, Malphite, Garen,Rammus, Tyrndamere, Sona, Poppy, Rumble, Kog’Maw, Gragas

* Tier 4 – Sivir, Veigar, Katarina, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Pantheon,Fiddlesticks, Twitch, Galio, Karma, Heimerdinger,Gangplank

Tier 1 - These champions are at the top of this list for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason being you can actually carry a team with them. In League of Legends its very hard to be a “true” carry as this game if very team oriented. If you’ve ever played a 4v5 you’ll know what I am talking about as it’s literally impossible to win. So I find these champions in Tier 1 lane VERY well in terms of being able to kill creeps well, harassing the enemy champion, and survivability. For the junglers in tier 1 it’s because they control the jungle well, and do it safely. Also gank well and if get fed can actually carry games themselves. All these champions have great early games for the most part and just continuously get stronger as the game goes on. These are the pub stomp kings of the game in my eyes currently.

Tier 2 - These champions like tier 1 champions are great laners, and are great to have on your team in Solo Queue. They just don’t carry as hard as other champions in tier 1 I find. Their early game laning power can be almost equal to the strength of tier 1 champions but I find the tier 2 champions to be slightly weaker than these tier 1 champions in terms of how hard you can carry a solo queue game with them. They are still the creme of the crop in Solo Queue and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Tier 3 - These champions I find to be great 3rd, 4th, or 5th picks on a team. They are 100% viable but these champions generally aren’t as strong in lane as tier 1 and tier 2 champions and often take the Duo lane as they aren’t as strong as solo’s. A few of them in this tier can stand toe to toe to a lot of tier 1 and 2 champions in a Solo lane but I find they just aren’t sought after as “great” Solo Queue solo laners. These champs are all 100% viable in solo queue. I just find them to be slightly weaker than tier 2 champions in Solo Queue.

Tier 4 - Now tier 4 is a tricky tier I find. These champs are all 100% viable for Solo Queue. If someone says they play a great X champion in tier 4 than you can let them solo or play that champion. These champions are simply tier 4 because they require a lot more farm I find than other champions to reach that “carry status” in Solo Queue. These champions are usually played by people who love these champions for their design and play style so usually people who play these champions I find aren’t bad players at all so letting them play these champions sometime is a good choice. These champions problem isn’t poor laning or really anything other than they require a lot more effort to be good at and a lot more skill to do well on is all. They’re all fun champions and I suggest you give them a whirl and try them out!

DISCLAIMER! – Now remember everyone. This is just an OPINION and nothing else. Take it with a grain of salt and remember not to flame anyone in-game over me or my lists!

SOLO QUEUE ADVICE – Always remember to build a balanced team that is strong in all 5 aspects of the game. Get two strong solo’s, a strong duo lane, and a strong jungler and your chances of winning will increase drastically! If you’re not 1st or 2nd pick please pick accordingly to the rest of your team. Communication in pregame chat is the key to success! If you have an AD and an AP carry then the remaining roles of Tank, Support, and Jungle need to be filled! It’s the best way to become a great League of Legends player by having a well-rounded group of champions you can play! Master all aspects of the game and not just one!

*--* CHANGE LOG *--*

Vayne moved up in tier 1 - This is pretty self explanatory as she's banned in every single game or picked in every single game. She's just all around strong and snowballs crazy hard. The perfect combo for Solo Queue.

Kassadin moved down to tier 2 - I feel his early game is so weak that for him to get to that "oh my god Kass is OP status!" it takes far too long and I find him too weak to play now. He's still really good in a lot of situations and can definitely carry Solo Queue games but he's lacking a bit right now in the early game department.

Cho'Gath moved up to tier 1 - His lane sustainability, burst, and overall tankyness just makes him tier 1 imo. He can really carry a Solo Queue game if he's got a lot of farm.

Urgot moved down to tier 2 - I feel his god tier laning isn't that god tier anymore compared to others and then his mid/late falls off a bit if he doesn't get that great early game. Don't get me wrong if you're good with Urgot you can still carry and do well hence why he's going to tier 2 but I don't feel he's tier 1 worthy anymore for Solo Queue.

Akali moved up to tier 1 - Her laning is decently strong, but when played correctly her burst on targets is just awesome. She can drop people in a matter of seconds and move onto another champion and kill them just the same. She snowballs in fights with her ultimate gaining another charge for every kill/assist and that can really turn the tide of a lot of games. Her survivability is pretty high too with charging to things with R and W's stealth.

Ryze moved down to tier 2 - I feel he's not that great since the nerf. It really hurt his early game a lot more then it should of. He's still good and still is a tank/mage that crush's face, you just have to be an experienced Ryze player to do this.

Kennen moved up to tier 2 - His laning strength is awesome and I believe because of this you can snowball and carry a lot of games just by dominating your lane. His mid/late game is alright, VERY farm dependent but if you get that farm you can 100% carry your games with him. AD Kennen is also viable as well.

Lee Sin moved up to tier 2 - Jungle, Solo Lane, or Duo Lane Lee Sin can do it all. If you get farmed on him you can really carry with him. Even if you're not that farmed he's still a very strong champion currently.

Maokai moved up to tier 1 - His Solo Lane and his Jungle is pretty damn strong. He sustains himself quite well using his passive and his burst is so unexpected people fall for it all the time. They think Maokai can't dish out that kind of DPS but he can and you can get a lot of kills leaving people going "wtf how did I die!?".

Soraka moved to tier 1 - Healing like she does is so incredibly powerful in Solo Queue I'd say she's a pick or ban in every game. If you're good at Soraka you can carry teams just by the sheer amount of heals and support you deliver to your team.

Annie moved up to tier 1 - This is self explanatory just like Vayne. All around awesome and bursts like a mo'fuka!

Xin Zhao moved up tier 2 - Jungle Xin is amazing just like I said in my Draft Mode List because of how powerful his ganks are. Then if he's fed his team fighting ability is just so STRONG, he just goes from target to target dishing out DPS. Looking for a DPS jungler to play? Xin is your man.

New Champion Time!

Orianna placed into tier 2 - I feel her lane control is good, her burst is good, and her supporting is pretty good too. I am not 100% sure if tier 2 belongs to her yet but I feel for now this will do. Play her as an AP carry and harass and poke the crap out of everything with your ball!